Page 18 of Harder
They took turns shaking hands when Daniella spoke to Corinne. “It’s nice to meet you finally, Corinne. I met your husband briefly by way of a video conference. I assume he’s given you enough information to know what is involved in an experience at The Den?”
Corinne’s lips spread. “Yes.”
Daniella’s eyes sparkled, and she glanced over at Corinne. “You’re certainly dressed for the occasion.” She looked at Xavier. “Mr. V.”
At Corinne’s perked brows Daniella chuckled then explained. “We don’t use full government names at The Den. You two will need to give me your alias before we continue.”
“Oh…” Corinne regarded her husband. “Dahlia.”
Xavier’s gaze darkened on his wife. “Dahlia has a meaning of beauty, kindness, loyalty.”
Daniella glanced between them, nodding. “I love it.”
“So do I.”
Daniella spoke to Corinne again. “And what name do you give, Mr. V?”
Surprised, Corinne opened her mouth then closed her lips. “Hmmm.” She glanced at Xavier. “What would you like me to call you, honey?”
“No….” Her soft reprimand caught them both by surprise. “Here at The Den, women make the rules. Mr. V must be addressed by a name that you give him.”
Xavier’s gaze lit up then a mischievous smile spread across his lips.
Corinne bit her bottom lip, staring at him another second before she said, “Pharaoh.” His nostrils flared as they stared at each other. “My King is what he’ll always be.”
Daniella nodded. “I love you two.” She turned. “Follow me.”
Xavier slipped his arm around Corinne’s waist, and they strolled behind Daniella, going the way she’d come from the right.
The hall was dark, with the exception of downlights every few feet in the ceiling. The view of an open area and the main stage with mini-stages could be seen to the left. That view was obscured when they cut down another corridor and entered a room on the right.
“Dahlia, during the brief interview where I spoke to your Pharoah, we discussed the basics of operations here at The Den. Here are a few things we didn’t discuss. Only women can walk freely around the building, and because of that, your experiences as observers will be different.”
She lifted a remote and clicked a few buttons. “Pharoah, you will observe from here. These cameras will take you to unoccupied rooms and those occupied rooms from patrons who’ve agreed to be watched by strangers.”
Corinne’s brows rose.
“Everyone has a different kink. Some like to be watched. No fantasy is foolish here at The Den unless it involves incest, pedophilia, or assault.”
Corinne released a breath. “I’m getting more relaxed with each moment you’re speaking.”
Daniella smiled. “Good. I want you to be comfortable as with any of the guests here.” She glanced at Xavier. “A few rules for you, Pharoah. If you and Dahlia decide to venture into a room, you can’t address her unless she gives you permission. Here, you two are not a married couple—it’s all in the fantasy. You must act as if you are strangers. You’re her servant. You do what she asks and only speak once spoken to.”
“Got damn.” Corinne bit down on her lips and then glanced at Xavier. “You didn’t tell me I would have this much fun.”
Deep laughter slipped from his mouth. “Permission to speak, Dahlia?”
Her eyes sparkled, and she smiled so brightly it lit up the room.
“Permission granted, Pharoah.”
“I had no idea.” He chuckled. “But I’m game as long as you are.”
“First,” Daniella interjected, “you need to observe. When you get into the realm of picking the right room for you, then you can get into the games. But first, Dahlia, you’ll observe by roaming openly around The Den.”
Corinne’s brows dipped, apprehension on her face.