Page 2 of Harder
“Why are y’all trying to make me emotional today?”
“We just wanted you to know that we see you, you’re loved, and the progression in your career is astounding.” Leslie drew back and looked him in the eye. “Do you understand?”
Leslie landed a heavy hand on his back and released Xavier. “Good.”
Xavier’s gaze covered the remaining family members, giving handshakes and hugs to the rest of his brothers and some of his sisters-in-law. Who he’d noticed was missing immediately was his wife, Corinne.
His brother, Raphael, gave a toast, but while he spoke and they cheered, Xavier could only think about Corinne.
They’d been married for a few years and decided to wait to have children. It was important to them to ensure they enjoyed every moment of their newlywed lives together—without interruption of an infant. And while that seemed to work at the beginning of their marital bliss, over the last year, Corinne’s career kept her away more often than Xavier liked.
Corinne Valentine was a flight attendant who flew all over the world. Her international flights were the longest trips, even sometimes keeping her on a layover for days at a time.
When Corinne and Xavier dated, one of those trips caught the eye of a stalker who’d gone as far as to find Corinne’s number, call her, and breathe on the line. Xavier grimaced at the thought. The madman had followed her to the United States, cornered Corinne while she was leaving the ladies’ room at a bachelorette party, and taken her by gunpoint. At the time, Xavier came to the party to surprise Corinne, and all hell had broken loose.
On the anniversary of that date, Xavier’s nerves would be unsettled until he had Corinne in sight. This year’s annual date was no different.
To ensure she was safe from that monster, Xavier checked in on his status at the state penitentiary. When he was up for parole early in the year, Xavier had been there to object to his release. Fortunately, the state parole board rejected his early discharge, and the assaulter would spend the remaining five years behind bars.
That gave Xavier some relief, but the incident fueled his concern for Corinne when she was overseas.
He took a sip of his champagne and was approached by Kyle.
“What’s on your mind, brother?”
Xavier took down the rest of his champagne. “Corinne.”
Kyle nodded. “Mom reached out, but she was away, unfortunately.”
Xavier nodded. “I could have told you she wouldn’t be able to attend.”
“It’s a surprise party. We couldn’t very well ask you to reach out to Corinne.”
Xavier slapped Kyle on the shoulder. “You’re right.” He gazed at his tailored button-down shirt. “This is new.”
Kyle held on to a smirk. “It is.”
“This looks good on you.”
“Thank you.” Silence lingered between them. “You’re worried about her. Why?”
Xavier frowned. “How are you reading my mind like that?”
“We shared a womb, remember?”
“It’s been almost forty years since that phenomenon.”
Kyle pushed Xavier’s shoulder. “Speak for yourself.”
Xavier chuckled. “Did we not come at the same time, or am I thinking of another Kyle Valentine?”
They laughed when Hunter and DeAndre re-entered their space.