Page 21 of Harder
Corinne locked her jaw then shivered. “I want you to fuck me on this ledge, Xav—Pharoah.”
Xavier’s dick hardened, and he locked his jaw as he watched and listened.
“What else?” Daniella added.
“I want…” Corinne sucked in a breath. “I want to be bitten. Slapped. Choked—while being fucked on this ledge.” Her lips curved at the corners. “Pharoah is very good at taking control of my body. But I want to live on the wild side a little.”
“What else happens for your fantasy to tilt to the wild side, Dahlia?”
“It rains—the wind howls. Lightning strikes. It’s close to us, enough that our immediate area warms from the bolt. He won’t let me touch him. Teases me by tying my hands together and pressing his body against the palms of my hands.”
Her chest rose and fell. “Pharoah’s going to fuck me on the ledge. I’ve convinced him. I’ll slip and almost fall over the building, but he’ll catch me and fuck me while I’m dangling.”
Xavier’s pulse spiked at the rush her fantasy created, and he gritted his teeth recognizing Dahlia as Corinne’s alter ego.
Corinne moaned; her body shaken where she stood. “I make another command.”
“What is it?”
“I want to sit on his shoulders and ride his face. But with my legs folded on his shoulders like they would be on the bed if I rode his dick. I want to bounce there and buck my hips as he sucks my pussy.”
Corinne’s eyes rolled, another moan falling from her lips, and she fell against the elevator wall. Her eyes opened, her body trembling.
Daniella’s lips were pursed, a tiny smile curving her mouth.
“I have the perfect room for you and Pharoah, Dahlia.”
Corinne blinked, noticing the elevator was no longer moving.
“You can decide to go on to explore the rooms of The Den and choose a setting for yourself. Or you can decide to take the room I think you’ll love.”
“I can’t believe I just told you all of that.”
Daniella’s smile spread further. “You were comfortable, meditating.”
“How did you do that?”
“I didn’t do anything. I asked about your fantasy, and you told me.”
Corinne stared at Daniella.
“There’s no need to be worried or embarrassed. Besides, we have similar tastes.” Daniella winked, and Corinne blushed. “So…” the elevator doors opened, and the first thing Corinne noticed was red marble floors. “To venture or take my choice for you?”
Corinne straightened her shoulders; bravado she didn’t know she had rising to the surface. “I’ll take the room you have for us.”
Daniella’s eyelids lowered. “Excellent.”
“When would you like?”
“Is that too soon?”
“Not at all.”