Page 25 of Harder
Daniella’s lips pursed, and she nodded.
“Do you remember?”
“Of course.”
“What do you think about it?”
“I think…”
The elevator doors opened, and red marble flooring could be seen.
“I think you’ll have a good time tonight, Dahlia.” Daniella removed the electronic tablet she’d kept tucked under her arm and swiped across the screen.
“I need you to sign a confidential agreement, Dahlia. But with your government name. Read over it. The agreement is self-explanatory but if you have questions, let me know.”
She handed Corinne the device, and Corinne read over the agreement.
At no time in any circumstance shall The Den be liable for direct or indirect consequential or incidental injuries as a mishap of action regarding your desires. Modifications cannot be made without written and acceptable consent between The Den, the lover, and the patron. Proceeding warrants your agreement.
Would you like to proceed?
Corinne glancedup at Daniella then tapped yes. The screen went dark, and the words ‘welcome’ populated.
Corinne handed the device back.
“Follow me.”
They exited the elevator into a wide hallway with mahogany walls. At the end of the corridor, they passed a closed door with the name ‘Pressure’ written on the outside of it, and Corinne was immediately intrigued.
“What does that name on the door mean?”
“It’s a description of the activities designed for the space.” Daniella glanced over her shoulder. “The main play for that area is exploring your sexual pressure points. All of them. You’d find there are more than one hundred ways to cum.”
Corinne shivered, her eyes blinking. “Sheesh.”
They passed another door with the name ‘Grip’ but before Corinne could ask, Daniella explained.
“That’s a hands-on room. You’re never without touch or someone’s grasp there.”
Daniella paused at the next door, the name reading “Danger Zone.’ She entered a code, and the door opened, revealing a mini room big enough for them to stand inside. A light illuminated overhead, and another door was directly in front of Daniella.
“Um… danger zone?”
“Don’t be frightened.” Daniella removed another tablet that hung on a clip against the wall, swiped across the screen, and handed it over to Corinne.
On the screen was the word, menus.
“You will set your tone for the room with this menu. Usually, you would be prompted to choose a lover, but because you have one, you’ll need to choose a playlist if you’d like music to serenade you during your time here. Also, because you’ve told me about your fantasy, your desires have already been chosen.”
“My desires?”
“Yes. Normally you would get a menu to choose your desires, but you chose them yesterday.”