Page 11 of Of Sins and Psychos
I just have to hold eye contact with my assailan... assailants.
Shit. There are too many of them. I don’t even think I remember how to use the magic...
“Can I just,” I try to look into the man’s eyes closest to me, but he’s just shoving forward to get closer to the dozens of others surrounding Ruiner.
Seriously, this is just overkill at this point. He can’t let all of you kill him! Make some fucking space.
I jar my own elbow into the man nearest me, and the animal-like wheeze that startles through him is the only evidence that I did any damage at all. Arms and hooves and legs and breath are all over me, sickening me from the throng of men I’m now stuck in.
“WHY—” a growling familiar voice says. “Don’t you ever listen to me?” Ruiner spews, slamming his fist into a face, or a stomach, or possibly a man, I’m not even sure at this point.
“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the many compliments of my adoring fans,” I snark, being completely shoved aside and tossed out of the throng entirely. I lift my hands at the total lack of intelligence happening before me. “I don’t know if I’ve ever been this insulted to not be hit on by a guy before. Like I get it. He’s a spider bat man. That’s like super impressive to men, I’m sure.” I tap my boot restlessly and try to figure out how to get these asshats off of my friend. “But I have these,” I yell loudly, lifting my thin black shirt and...
Flashing the crowd of minotaurs.
Yeah. I’ve hit a new low in life, I think.
The braying, the shoving, the bloody riot all halts at once. Dozens of big, glossy orbs look my way. Silent appreciation flutters in.
Somewhere in those empty, bullish heads of theirs, there’s a chant happening. I can almost hear it, I swear.
Boobs. Boobs. Booooooobs.
Apparently, you don’t need dark magic to solve problems. You just need breasts.
A cocky smirk touches my lips.
Until they all push off of Ruiner and slowly stalk my way.
“Bella! Run!” Ruiner tells me once more.
And this time, I fucking listen.
Weak heart, don’t fail me now.
My legs never stop. The dirt of the path down to the city is long gone, and only the softest green grass slips against my boots as I thrash to run faster and faster. The rushing of water becomes louder and louder. It all flits by in a panic as the herd’s screams ring in my ears. A hand grips my arm. The minotaur’s nails dig into my flesh.
And then I jump.
His hold on me disappears as cold wind catches my hair. The salty smell of the sea fills my senses like a wave of relief. Only to be drowned in its depths when I crash headfirst into the water. It feels as though nails are spraying into my face. It soaks right into me: the sound of it fills my ears like the sting of it fills my nostrils.
With thrashing arms, my desperation carries me through the darkness. I can’t make out up or down, but I’ll try anyway. I’ll never stop trying.
Even if my lungs are burning with each slow second that slips by.
It all starts to press down on me. I can’t reach the surface. I can’t hold my breath any longer.
It’s too much.
Strong arms catch my waist, and I’m hauled into his embrace. I’m pulled through the weight of the waves. It feels euphoric and terrifying all at the same time.
My head lifts from the water with a rattling gasp of air hitting my throat with painful intakes. With heavy kicks and uneven strokes, I keep myself above the push and pull of the current.
“Bella! Bella!” my savior calls.
Ruin’s dark lashes are lined with dampness, making his piercing eyes seem like the ocean itself is looking at me with such intensity.
He’s so fucking gorgeous. I—