Page 23 of Blood Promises
“When my dick getswet,it changes sizes to completely fill up who I’m fucking!”
My lips part with silence and awe.
“Oh,” I say for the thousandth time.
“What happens when it rains?”
“Nothing.” I blink at him innocently for a few seconds and pretend like his cock doesn’t need a special umbrella of its own.
I swallow hard as the idea of thatfills upmy mind. My thighs shift, and the open shirt I’m holding tickles along my skin there.
I try desperately to stop thinking about how good that must feel. I try. And I fail.
Finally, logic slips in. He still doesn’t meet my awestruck gaze.
“I—I didn’t mean to press you. I’m sorry. I just wanted a distraction, I guess. I feel—I feel too fucking much right now,” I confess on a sigh.
There’s a lingering quiet before he meets my eyes once more with a heavy stare.
“I can fix that,” he whispers.
My brows lift high, and several steady beats of my heart pass the time as we stare at one another. I realize he’s still holding my hand in his. It’s an easy intimacy I hadn’t noticed until now.
“I can read people’s reality. And I can also manipulate their reality. I can bend what you perceive as real.”
“Oh. Right.” Of course. Yeah. Why would I think he’s offering to fuck me when he’s just showing me a kindness of scrambling my mind?
The wordsfill upcontinue to chant through my thoughts over and over again. Like the harder I try not to think about his magical cock, the more it thrusts its way into my imagination.
“Yeah, um, I think I’m good on the reality manipulation right now.”
Dimples frame his smile in the sexiest way possible. Along the short cut of his dark brown hair, I note how slightly tipped his ears are. A lotus flower and vines are tattooed at the very edge at the peak of the point. It’s a subtle image of thin inking lines, but it holds beauty.
Subtle beauty: that’s exactly what Seven is.
“What if it was just for a moment?” He arches a dark eyebrow at me and... wait,ishe offering to fill me up?
“How does that work?” I ask skeptically.
“It’s my magic that I gift to you. You do with it whatever you want. I won’t control your mind.”
The way Rorrick’s voice entered my head earlier crosses my thoughts. He helped me.
And this man, I think he wants to help me too.
“Okay,” I whisper with far too much uncertainty for someone who just agreed to be the next test subject in MK-Ultra.
He turns our hands, his thumb brushing back and forth along my knuckles. He has nice hands. Deep veins line his forearms down to long steady fingers.
I’m seriously attracted to this vampire’s hands now? Okay. The bar for men is set so incredibly low. Show me some sexy hands, and my panties are coming off.
“Close your eyes, Crymson,” he says on a gentle command.