Page 49 of Blood Promises
A charming, slashing smile widens his lips, making terror churn through me at the thought of taking my eyes off of someone as deadly as he is crazy. With damp tears still staining my cheeks, I hold his gaze. I try to calculate if I can trust this man or not. Deep down, I know he can protect me from anyone.
Except himself.
It’s a wild, psychotic sensation to want someone and fear them all at the same time.
The sweep of Seven’s thumb slipping over my sex has me blinking away all the terror inside myself. He circles my opening before sliding up my wetness and pushing hard over my clit. A gasp tears from my lips for a single second before Rorrick’s palm presses firmly to the back of my head, and I part my mouth for his thickness all over again.
Seven’s lips kiss higher up, his teeth nipping along the soft curve of my ass before his tongue follows. One palm presses to the small of my back as he bends me over even more, my ass fully angled up for him. Anticipation rocks through me while he languidly circles my clit with a light, teasing touch. Warm breath kisses sensitive skin, his lips teasing along my curves. Slowly, he dips two fingers into my pussy while his tongue circles my other opening. His fingers curve against a spot deep inside me while his mouth devours me in a way that no one ever has. My hips rock against his every move, but it’s like he knows what I want even more than I do. Everything rises quickly. Pleasure shakes through me with too much energy from too many places. It’s sensation overload.
Seven is the quietest, gentlest man I’ve ever met. And all that shy respectfulness is just a mask to hide the fact that he’s a Fucking. Sex. God.
When his tongue circles deeply and his fingers rock into me just right, I cry out around Rorrick’s cock. Wetness drips down my thighs and a rumbling amusement hums against me from behind.
“That’s it. Soak down my hand for me like a good girl, Crymson.” Seven’s fingers keep working me long after my orgasm shatters through me. The waves never seem to stop. And neither does he. I’m trembling against the vines that hold me, and Rorrick’s gripping my hair and pumping into me faster now. His groans become vicious, and everything about the three of us together just makes the nerves firing through me feel more and more uncontrollable.
A stinging slap snaps across the curve of my ass, and I buck from the startling pain of it slashing out among so much pleasure. The surprised scream in my throat is a muffled sound that barely registers before Rorrick curses under his breath and hot liquid slides across my tongue. He holds my head steady, his length fucking my mouth slowly while he gives me every last drop.
He pulls me by the hair, and then his mouth slams to mine before I’ve even swallowed. His tongue sweeps over mine, consuming every moan Seven gives me. On a gentler kiss, he pulls back almost reluctantly. When my blurry eyes look up at him, my lashes are damp, the tears against my cheeks feeling dry and disastrous.
Big thumbs swipe away the dampness there before sliding over the corner of my mouth as well.
“You’re the sexiest fuckin’ sight I’ve ever seen.” The way he searches my face feels awestruck and worshiping.
The tone he speaks in is sated and rumbling. Sexy and alluring.
But the voice he sends through my head sounds like rushing whispers.
Can I make you feel good?
Seven stops. He holds me lightly, but both men wait for me to catch my jagged breath.
Except I don’t want to catch my breath. I want to feel every amazing thing they can give me. Before it’s too late for me to have something like this ever again.
I nod, my messy hair falling into my eyes. His big hand sweeps my hair back, and he steps closer to me.
“Lean back,” he whispers like a secret.
I look to Christian. He stands just a few yards away, but the moment I meet his gaze, the vines around my sore wrists shift, lowering me back until I’m leaning more comfortably against Seven’s chest.
From this angle, Rorrick looks larger than life. That I-could-crush-you-with-my-bare-hands vibe is alive and well within him, and I suddenly want to know what it’d feel like for this sexy man to crush me beneath him in the best way possible.
The waist of his pants hangs open low on his hips. The tip of his dick still glistens, and his taste still lingers on my tongue. My thighs shift, wanting him to stretch me and use me all over again.
With his hand still in my hair, he pushes the thick, messy locks aside, revealing my neck.
“Can I taste you?” he asks as he presses a chaste kiss to the side of my throat. The sharp points of his teeth scratch faintly over my skin.
Realization slams into me.
He pulls back immediately likeconsentis the only word in the vampire dictionary.
“Yes. I mean—yes. I just thought...” My words fall away, but my attention dips down to the enormous cock that’s still out and patiently waiting to completely wreck my insides.
A slow, sensuous smirk pulls at his lips.
“Darlin’, I asked if you wanted me to make you feel good, not kill you.” His rumbling laughter skims across my skin. “I already ruined your makeup. I can’ fuck you without ruining your fragile, sexy body too.” His attention slips just behind me for only a moment. And then big hands are gripping my hips. “Let us make you feel good.” Those dark promising words kiss across my neck as he finds my hips, his hands crossing over Seven’s.