Page 24 of Horizontal Tasting
Honestly, I wasn’t going to go out with her again, but she’d pressed it. Which is precisely why second dates were a bad idea. They led to third and fourth dates, and then I had to cut them loose. Which I hated, to be honest. My least favorite part of dating.
“What are you up to?”
“Not sure. Min is going out with Thayle, so looking like a guys’ night. Was going to see if you were interested.”
That actually sounded better than what I had planned. But I didn’t ghost women or cancel on them, so it was KC’s Taphouse for me. I offered dinner, but Natalie was more of a bar and beer girl which is what appealed to me in the first place. Among other things.
By the time Hudson and I closed up, Karla having to leave early, and made my way into town, I was running behind. Opening the door to the oldest bar in town, one of only a handful, I took in the scene.
A pool and darts game. The low murmur of voices. It had a completely different vibe than the brewery, which was great. I wasn’t dying to be in competition with the owner whose grandfather opened KC’s many years ago. Plus, it was nice to get off the estate for a change.
Spotting her at a high-top, I made my way over to Natalie.
“I’ve already got your favorite drink,” she said of the Yuengling lager on the table.
“Thanks,” I said. “Sorry I’m late. The brewery was slammed tonight.”
“That’s amazing,” she said, her sing-songy voice never bothering me before now. “Way to go.”
I tried not to sigh out loud. She was trying too hard to please me. I just wanted her to be herself.
“Last I remember you were running an influencer’s conference in Syracuse. How did that go?”
Natalie was a personal trainer and fitness blogger. She lived on the north side of Seneca Lake.
“Amazing. I was so happy there weren’t any major incidents. Except on the last day when we tossed out all of the leftover swag. It was a mob scene. I was afraid someone would get trampled.”
This was our last date.
She was pretty. Had a great body. Was clearly into me. But there was nothing there. No spark. Nothing like...
Fuck. Seriously?
After not seeing Rae all week, she comes in here tonight? Way to go, Min. I’m certain this was my sister’s idea. When Hudson said she and Thayle were going out, he didn’t say anything about where they were headed.
The ladies spotted me. Thayle waved, Min started walking toward us, and Rae just glanced my way briefly before heading to the bar with Thayle.
God damn small town. You couldn’t go anywhere in Kitchi Falls without running into someone you knew. Or, in this case, someone you didn’t want to see. At least, not at this very moment.
“I didn’t know you were coming here tonight.” Min sidled up to the table. “Hi Natalie.”
I was surprised Min remembered her name. They’d only met once.
“Hi Min.” My date was as bubbly as ever.
“No kidding,” I said sardonically to my sister. She gave me a strange look that said, ‘I’ll ask you why you’re so grumpy later.’ As if I could tell her.
“Looks like you’ve got the new girl in town out and about?”
Rae’s back was to us.
“Yep,” Min said. “I promised to show her the town, which means KC’s tonight and Devine at some point this weekend.”
My sister loved Devine bakery’s cinnamon donuts. “Sounds great. Now scat.”
Min scrunched up her nose at me in mock disgust, smiled sweetly at Natalie and walked away.
“You guys are so cute.”