Page 6 of Ménage My Bosses
How is my baby sister so matter-of-fact about these things? Then again, do I really want to know? “That’s part of it, yes. But it’s not the only thing. It's just embarrassing, you know? I mean, I work for them.”
“Only for the next two weeks.”
That still hasn't sunk in.
“It's awkward, okay? They’re my bosses. I cannot make a pass at them.” I shake my head violently. “It'll be too mortifying if I invite them out for a drink and they decline. Or worse, if I invite them out for a drink, and they think it’s a work thing, and they talk about strategy or succession planning or something.”
“You’re using a lot of words to explain that you’re a coward.”
She’s. . . not wrong. “Fine. I am.”
“Since when did my big sister become so shy?” she demands. “Do you remember what you said to me back in high school when I was waiting for Juan Manuel to ask me out to prom?”
I’d told her to put on her big girl panties and ask him out herself.
“I do, yes. Tell me again how that worked out for you?”
Nothing fazes Cat. “So what if Juan Manuel drank himself silly and threw up on my dress? That has nothing to do with me asking him out and everything to do with the fact that he’s an idiot. Besides, if you think about it, Juan Manuel actually did me a huge favor.”
“How so?”
“I lusted after him for months. One hurling incident and my crush disappeared.” She clicks her fingers together. “Poof. Just like that.”
I think about what she’s saying and immediately hit a wall of resistance. “It would be different if we didn’t know each other. If they were strangers, then there would be nothing to lose, you know? If they turned me down, it wouldn’t be a biggie. But with West and Rob. . .”
Cat’s tone turns speculative. “You're saying you can’t have a one-night stand with them because you know them.”
And then I get the craziest idea in the world.
My sister is a makeup artist, an expert at disguises. She has access to her theater company’s wardrobe.
And West and Rob are going to be at a masquerade ball this weekend. Every year, Xavier Leforte throws a party in the middle of January at Club M, his outrageously expensive luxury sex club.
Yes, that’s actually a thing. Rich people are not like the rest of us.
The event is a fundraiser for cervical cancer research. West’s mother died of cervical cancer when he was twenty-two. Because of that, West donates three hotel packages to the auction, and he also makes it a point to attend every year.
A disguise would allow me to blend in. Be anonymous and hidden behind my mask. They wouldn’t know who I was.
“I have an idea,” I say slowly. “But I’ll need your help.” I fill Cat in on the details, excitement building inside me.
Common sense makes a vain attempt at rearing its head. You have had a crush on them for a year. You’re going to quit your job so that you can forget them. How is having a one-night stand with them a good idea?
Cat listens to me, her eyes round. When I finish explaining the masquerade ball, she nods enthusiastically. “This is a great idea.”
“It is?” Her support has the opposite effect to that intended. It just makes me want to back away from the idea. I’m the older child, sensible and responsible. I don’t do crazy things.
“Sure it is. You’ve built these guys up to be impossibly wonderful. But frogs don’t turn into princes when you kiss them. They’re still wet and slimy. The moment you sleep with your hot bosses, the spell will break.”
“That’s very cynical of you, Caterina. Since when did you become so pessimistic?”
“Since I moved to New York. But this isn’t about me.” She rubs her hands together with glee. “I can cut and color your hair. Honey brown, I think, in a short bob. I’ll do your eyebrows too. Changing the shape of your brow will make a huge difference. Colored contacts, of course. Grey or brown are the most natural shades for dark eyes. As for your makeup—”
Cat can talk about contouring for hours. “They cannot recognize me.”
“Mel, I’m good at what I do.” She gives me a confident grin. “Leave it to me. By the time I’m done, not even Mama will know you.”