Page 11 of Buried Obsession
Chapter Five
Camila sat in her room, at her desk, dressed in her most comfortable sweats. They were baggy, but soft, the top of the sweatshirt so large that the neck bared one of her shoulders and the end of the sleeves fell past her fingers. They were meant for someone a size bigger than her, but they were warm, so she loved them.
She had her computer in front of her, with her browser open and a few searches waiting for her to start going through them. She was doing research for her latest project. She wasn’t in much of a hurry, Samuel’s interview was yet to come out, though it would definitely be happening soon, and it was enough to give her some time to relax in between projects. The blog was professional, after all, and there were several people there to provide content for posts, so she rarely had to work back to back, which usually meant more time to scope out her new project before she set out. She hadn’t been given much time when it was Samuel, though, probably because the boss hadn't been sure it would happen.
Thinking of Samuel brought her thoughts to his twin brother, Adrien, and the date that he’d yet to ask her out to. Technically, he’d already asked, so the date was probably going to happen, but she hadn't heard from him since she left their place.
He’s…not going to forget, right?
Camila didn’t think he would, but it would be a lie if she said she wasn’t anxious. Actually, she didn’t really think this date would even happen. Adrien was too charming and someone too out of her league for her, but it wasn’t like she could just say no to an invitation of his. They’d exchanged info and he’d texted to say the date was totally on, and that was it.
Why are you so impatient?She sighed. It’s only been a few days!
That was the part that really bothered her. It hadn't even been that long since she last saw him and she was already this anxious. When was the last time she felt that way about any relationship? She really couldn’t remember. Then again, she couldn’t say she’d dated a lot, and the few guys she had been out with, had all lasted long and ended badly.
Camila sighed and leaned forward, folding her hands on her desk and leaning her chin on them. It practically folded her body in half, since she had her feet up on the seat, knees pushed out to accommodate her new position, but if there was one thing she could boast about, it was how flexible her body was. She got plenty of exercise and liked to walk, so her body was in perfect shape.
Maybe I should go out to the gym? she thought. I’m supposed to be working, but I don’t think I can work like this.
It had been a while since she last got to go to the gym. Because she lived in New York City, Camila often had to be creative. She couldn’t afford a gym membership, so she was only an occasional guest at such establishments. She got to move around a lot, which was good, but there were times like now when all she could do was hole up in her room and try to keep busy.
Camila thought about going to Central Park, but that place could only remind her of Samuel now, and of course she hadn't forgotten that erotic dream he’d starred in. She could feel her face warm up just thinking about it. She could always do some stretches and exercises in her room, but she liked more room to breathe than her room allowed. Maybe she should think about going out on a trip somewhere? It might be good enough to pull her mind back from the rut it was falling into as she focused on the two Kane brothers.
She raised her head toward the door at a yell from her mother.
“What is it, Mom?” she called back.
“I’ll be going outside for a bit, but I’ll be back before its dark, okay? I left some lunch in the kitchen for you, just warm it up when you feel hungry. Look after yourself, okay?”
“All right, Mom,” she said with a roll of her eyes.
Her mom liked to treat her like a child still. She even worried when Camila didn’t come home till late, even though she was too old to have a curfew. But if Camila were honest, she worried for her mom just as much.
For a time in their lives, they had been separated due to unavoidable circumstances with their years apart. Camila had hated it, but she could only imagine how bad it had been on her mom. The two of them only had each other in this world, after all.
While her mom continued to play the role of mom, Camila took it all without question. She didn’t always do what her mom wanted. For example, her mom would be worried if she stayed out late, but it wasn’t as if Camila had a curfew. Even living with her mom, she was still an adult, and she knew how to look after herself.
In reality, Camila was a lot more worried when her mom went out.
Her mom didn’t have any friends, not that Camila knew of. If she had once upon a time, then they were all long gone. There were only so many places she would go when she was outside, too, and this was the true reason for her anxiety.
She must have been going out to a bar.
Camila knew her mom had changed in the time they had been separated, and one of the ways was her change of habits. She didn’t have a job, Camila didn’t need her to because she was working hard to support the both of them. After all, her mom had done the same for her when she was young, why would she not repay the favor? The problem was, her mom wasn’t content with this, so if she wasn’t going to a bar, she was probably job hunting, but she would end up at a bar and come home late in the evening. Being the daughter, she couldn’t say anything, but she still worried.
Now more than ever, she didn’t think she could work, and she sighed as she buried her head into her folded arms.
Not long after, her phone rang, rousing her again, and she looked up with a frown. She had the phone beside her laptop just in case. Since she’d left the Kane mansion, she hadn't been too far away from her phone. Now that it was ringing, though, she could only feel weary.
Still, it would be rude to just ignore whoever it was, and besides, she was bored and curious. She picked up the phone almost eagerly, only to scowl in disappointment and irritation when she saw the name flashing on her screen.
Why hadn't she deleted his number yet?
Camila thought of ignoring the call, but in the end decided to take it.
“What do you want?” she asked bluntly, her voice emotionless.