Page 31 of Tangled Obsession
Camila sucked in a harsh breath, her eyes widening as a thought occurred to her.
No way…
She’d only taken a step, when Adrien grinned, and shoved Brianna down the stairs.
Camila shouted, her mom shouted, and Samuel shouted. Brianna let out a horrific sounding scream, and it was only made worse by the hoarseness in it due to her unused vocal chords. Samuel and her mom dropped their weapons to catch her, with Samuel being the first to get there. Brianna knocked into him, knocking him back against Morganna, effectively distracting the both of them.
Brianna wasn’t moving.
She wanted to go and look over the younger girl, make sure she was okay, but then Adrien caught her by the arm and dragged her back to Brianna’s bedroom. Camila struggled to get away from his grip, but he wasn’t letting go, and he practically dragged her there. She let out a scream as she scratched him with her free hand, and she heard him curse. She felt a piece of cloth cover her nose and mouth, and she attempted to hold her breath, to not breathe it in, but she hadn’t been fast enough. She knew that smell. It was chloroform. Her vision grew blurry and her body went slack.
She felt Adrien grip her under her arms and the last thing she felt and saw before the darkness descended, was him dragging her across the room as a blurry version of her mother raced toward her, gun drawn.