Page 4 of Shattered Obsession
“Get in the bed,” he demanded from behind her.
He was a lot closer than she had expected, and she just barely held back a flinch. She walked toward the bed, moving a little quickly, though it was with reluctance in her heart that she crawled onto it. One end of it was pushed up against the wall, and Adrien usually insisted she sleep on that side. She had her back to him when she heard the bed squeak as he climbed in behind her.
Be calm,she thought to herself. Calm, don’t worry about it. Be calm, nothing will happen…
Camila couldn’t trust that he wouldn’t try something, but she prayed really hard that he wouldn’t. She treated him like the dangerous person he was. She just knew, that since he was pretending they were husband and wife, he would want something like that from her one day.
Not happening.
Camila was willing to do a lot to keep up her act if it got her out of trouble. Kept him from shocking her. But this was one thing she absolutely would refuse to do, even if it got her killed. Have sex with Adrien? Hell to the Fuck No! Even if she didn’t have that terrible memory from yacht, she knew she wouldn’t be able to stomach it. Not when she had the memory of Samuel making sweet love to her in a way that no other man ever had. Or even the hot and passionate way they’d last been together. She wouldn’t allow Adrien to take those memories from her and ruin them with his touch.
Camila lay on her side, listening. She could feel and hear the bed move as Adrien kept trying to readjust himself. He didn’t come within touching distance of her, though. Thankfully.
Then she felt exhaustion start to tug at her. She opened her eyes wide and stared at the wall, trying to keep her eyes open. But her lids were fluttering, her eyes wanting to close shut. Her heartbeat and breathing started to slow down, her body relaxed into the bed.
She was right on the edge of sleep. She wasn’t totally aware, her consciousness about to float away. But then, she felt it. Adrien groping her, probably thinking she was asleep already. At first, it was just a touch on her waist that raised interest in her mind, but then that hand moved and her heart began to race in fear. His hand moved down over her hip, around to her stomach, then higher, cupping over one of her breasts and squeezing.
Camila’s eyes snapped open as disgust filled her.
When they had been together, she’d put up with it. Hell, she anticipated it at times, but those stupid times were over for her. She was done letting this man take advantage of her, no matter how afraid of him she was. She elbowed him, and it was probably more because of surprise than because she hit him with too much force, but it was enough to surprise him and get him to remove his hand.
Why is he groping me?she thought in fear. I’ve always fallen asleep before him... has… Oh my god. Is this…the first time he’s done this?
She didn’t want to think about it, but it was possible he had touched her like this before. She’d woken up fully dressed in the red nighty every time, so she hadn't worried, but she didn’t know what he did while she was asleep.
No way…
Her breathing grew ragged. She wanted to push away from him, but as she was sleeping by the wall, there wasn’t much room for her to move. She looked down, and while Adrien was still trying to catch his breath, slipped off the foot of the bed and crawled under it. It was dark under the bed, and she could feel the dirt under her hands. She was sure she felt a few spider webs touch her, too, but she pretended there was nothing.
If I don’t see it, it’s not there.
Hopefully, she wouldn’t get herself bit by a spider, but she would rather sleep under the bed than get anywhere near Adrien again. If this got him to leave her alone, she wouldn’t mind sleeping there.
There wasn’t much room, but she rolled until she had her back to the wall, curling in on herself as she looked at the space in front and beneath her. She could hear Adrien groaning, and the bed squeaked some more as he moved around above it.
She knew Adrien was too drunk to do anything. He’d drank that entire bottle of whiskey. He moved until he stumbled off the bed, but the drinks were already getting to him. He stumbled as if he were dizzy, and he ended up falling back onto the bed, making it creak and bow down over her. His legs still dangled partially over the floor. He stayed where he was and didn’t move, so she hoped he’d finally fallen asleep.
Camila was distraught, thinking of what he could have done to her, before and tonight, clenching her hands over her nose and mouth to keep her breathing as quiet as possible. He knew where she was, but she was reacting by instinct, as if she could hide if she stayed quiet. She could see his legs, but he didn’t seem to be moving, and after a while, her body started relaxing.
She didn’t fight against it, but she was tired, and that fright just made her even more tired. Finally, when it didn’t seem like Adrien would move again, she slept.