Page 6 of Shattered Obsession
More importantly, his tight hold on her ankle was beginning to hurt, and it was making her foot go numb.
“Move it!” Adrien demanded, standing up.
He dragged her along, pulling her away from the bed, and her leg was lifted up as he stood. She let out a short cry when she hit the back of her head on the ground as he pulled her along, releasing her leg when they were in the center of the room.
“Now, what should I do with you?”
He released her leg, finally, but it was only so he could bend over and grab her hair instead.
Camila’s hands jumped up to hold onto his hand as he dragged her up by the hair. She got her legs under her. But one of her legs had fallen asleep because she’d been lying on it, and the pain in her hip flared. With another cry, she slumped back into the floor. Adrien’s hand slipped out of her hair, but not without tugging a few strands out.
Crap. Now my head hurts.
“Oh,” Adrien murmured. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to let go. You even lost some of your hair…”
Camila opened her eyes and watched as he dropped the strands of her hair he’d pulled out.
Adrien sighed. “You see?” he said, as if he was lecturing her. “Running away didn’t do you any good either, right? So you shouldn’t have bothered trying and you wouldn’t have this problem that you do now, you know. But I can't just let you off either, over something like this.”
Camila wanted to glare up at him. She was kneeling as she curled in on herself, her hand trying to soothe her aching scalp. All of this was his fault, so why was he turning her into the guilty party here? But then, she felt her stomach clench again.
“Now, what should your punishment be? I put the remote for you collar away because we haven’t needed it the past couple days or so, but I think it’s time to pull it out. Get up, now. Come face your punishment like a good girl. So you know never to deny your husband again.”
Adrien reached down to grab her by the hair again. Before he could, though, Camila felt her stomach clench hard as bile rose, her throat spasming as she made a gagging sound.
She was practically at his feet because he’d dragged her there, and she nearly vomited all over him, but Adrien was fast. Seeing her heaving, he jumped out of the way. Camila swallowed hard, one hand on her mouth and the other on her belly. She attempted to settle her stomach and keep from making a mess that she knew he’d make her clean up.
“What the hell,” Adrien yelled. “Watch it, Camila! You almost puked all over me!”
“S-sorry,” she muttered, one hand still covering her mouth, the other rubbed her middle in small soothing circles. “I… just feel a little sick.”
Adrien hesitated, looking as if he might run from her. “Sick?”
Camila had a sudden idea. Seeing how Adrien reacted, she remembered the last time, too, when she threw up after he’d first shocked her, and he jumped away from her. If he thought she was really sick and didn’t just have a stomach bug or something…
“Yeah,” she said, making sure to sound weak, not that she had to try hard. “I’ve felt like vomiting a few times, I think I might have gotten the flu. It has been going around, you know. And they’ve said it’s highly contagious. I’m really sorry.”
She kept an eye on him out the corner of her eyes, and sure enough, she saw the horrified look on his face as he backed away from her and to the bedroom door entrance.
“Stay in here,” he demanded. “Do not come out, I’ll leave food for you at the door later. You just… stay here.”
With that, he hurried out of the room and closed the door behind him.
Oh, thank goodness,she thought.
Camila crawled over to the bed and climbed on top of it. One side of her body still ached, so she lay on her other side. The nausea was gone for the moment, and she was finally left alone. Camila couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome.
If I’m really lucky, he won’t come in here for the rest of today.
Now that her body was slowly relaxing, Camila was starting to feel exhausted. Her body felt battered, as did her mind, and she wanted nothing more than to fall asleep. That was dangerous, though. Who knew what Adrien would try while she was unconscious? She just had to hope he wouldn’t pull out the remote for the collar and start playing with it wherever he was in the house.
Soon after, though, the door opened as Adrien walked in. Camila jumped in surprise, quickly sitting up and making herself feel a little dizzy.
Wasn’t he going to leave me alone?
Her thoughts were full of fear. She’d thought she would get to relax for once, but had he changed his mind? Was he angrier about her denying him that he would ignore his own fastidiousness just to punish her?
Oh please no,she pleaded silently. I don’t think I can take any more hits today.
Mentally and physically, she was already exhausted. If he wanted to do anything to her, there was no way for her to stop him, and besides, she still had a headache that only came back full force with how quickly she sat up. But, looking at Adrien, she thought that wasn’t the case.
He didn’t look angry or anything, though. He was holding onto his arm beneath his injured shoulder, his expression one of pain.
“I need your help. Come out here and help me, like a good wife,” he demanded. “My wound hurts like hell and there’s more air in the living room. Get it done quickly, then you can hurry back here.”