Page 61 of Sasha and the Heir
Déjà vu hit like a motherfucker as Tommy and I rode the elevator to Beth’s floor.
“Unless you hear gunshots, stay in the hallway,” I whispered, making Tommy freeze in place.
“I don’t think—” He tried to catch my elbow, but I dodged him and slid into Beth’s office, gently shutting the door behind me.
“Florence! It’s nice to see you again.” I placed a white bakery box on her desk. “A little something sweet for you.”
She smiled awkwardly as her eyes darted toward Beth’s office. “Um, Ms. Mitchell. I—ah.”
“I’ll show myself in.” I moved quickly so Flo couldn’t stop me.
“Ms. Mitchell!” she yelled as I busted in, shutting the door behind me.
Beth’s head shot up from her desk, a red line running across her cheek. She wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth with a grimace. “What the hell are you doing here?”
She looked downright pathetic.
Should make this easier.
“Stop fucking around and get our permits approved.”
Beth sighed and turned on her laptop. “Like I told Marco and Joey, it’s out of my hands.” She kept her eyes on the screen, her blank expression pissing me off just like it had the millions of times she’d shut down in the middle of a fight. It was her “I’m better than this and you” face.
Nothing. She started typing, her head tilting as she considered her words.
This time when she ignored me, I slammed my hands on her desk. Her head jerked my way, and she frowned as her tchotchkes resettled. “What is it, Sasha?”
“You’re going to make sure everything is in place for our Halloween opening.” I leaned forward, my palms flat on the smooth surface.
Beth squared her shoulders and met me halfway. “No. I’m not. Now get the hell out of my office.”
I smiled and took a step back, reaching into my purse. “You know your mom is still making payments? It would be a shame if her little secret got out. Wonder if it would hurt your future aspirations for governor.”
Her jaw twitched, but she didn’t respond.
“Is that still the plan? Or have things changed?” I picked up a framed picture from her desk. It was Senator Cooper, Beth, and the president. I waved it at her with a mocking smile. “Does mommy want more? Is she having visions of the White House?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she sneered.
I laughed and put the picture down gently. “Oh, I know the Senator, and I know you. She says jump, and you say how high. What I’m wondering is how far will you go to protect her? Come on, Beth. You wouldn’t want to let mommy down.”
“My mom was right. You’re trash like the rest of the Morettis.”
Nodding, I reached into my purse and pulled out a handgun. “You’re right, I am. Only I’m much worse.” I tapped my chin with the end of the barrel. “While everyone may think they know my husband's sins, they have no idea about mine.”
Beth’s eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. Blinking rapidly, her focus never leaving the gun in my hand as she searched the desk wildly for her phone. I snatched it, tossing it behind me. By some stroke of luck, it landed with a soft thud in the blue recycling bin.
Satisfied that I had Beth right where I wanted her, I sat in the guest chair across from her. "Now, I'm not leaving until you've sent the necessary emails, made the necessary calls, or whatever the hell it is, you politicians do."
She nodded, tears welling in her eyes.
“Bring your laptop over here and sit next to me. Don’t want you getting any ideas.”