Page 63 of Sasha and the Heir
Ashley clicked her tongue. “No. There’s no way I’m giving her any ammunition.”
“Then get back in there and defend your casserole dish placement.”
“They’re in the island! Why would she need to move them?”
I couldn’t hold back the laughter any longer, and eventually, she joined in.
After a deep sigh, she said, “Okay. I feel better. Thank you.”
“No problem. Call me if you need to vent. Give everyone my love.”
“Will do. Bye.”
An hour later, it was time for lunch, but Tommy wasn’t back. Grabbing my purse, I left my office and checked the warehouse floor. When I didn’t find him joking around with Scott and Axel, I went around the front and waved at Lara, our new receptionist. “Have you seen Tommy?”
She pointed out the glass doors with a smile. “He’s been out there pacing on his phone.”
“Thanks. I’m going to go grab lunch. Can I get you anything?”
“Nope. I brought some leftovers.”
I grinned. “Lucky. I’ll be back.”
As I walked outside, I caught sight of Tommy disappearing around the building. “Tommy?” I called out, but he didn’t answer. Jogging to catch up, I yelled his name again. The sound of feet pounding on the sidewalk came my way, and I stopped dead in my tracks as a man carrying a gun rounded the corner.
Without thinking, I reached into my bag and pulled out my handgun. Taking the safety off, I pointed and yelled, “Stop right there!”
The man lifted his gun and kept charging at me. Before he could aim at me, I fired off two shots. The first hit him square in the chest, and he took two more steps, his hands flying to the wound. The second bullet went through the hand holding his gun and into his chest.
Tommy rounded the corner as the guy fell to his knees, groaning in pain. “Sasha. Go inside.”
“Who the fuck is that?” I shrieked, pointing my gun at the man bleeding out on the sidewalk. My heart beat wildly, and sweat beaded on the back of my neck under the heat of the midday sun as I stood frozen.
“Go inside. I’ll handle it.”
“Are you okay, Sasha? I called the police!” Lara yelled from the front door, her head peeking out.
Tommy cursed as he stooped down to the man writhing in pain. “Who sent you?”
I turned to Lara and gestured for her to go back inside, assuring her I was okay while hiding my gun from sight.
Tommy gripped the man’s jaw and jerked it back and forth. “You work for Cy?”
The man grunted as he pressed on his chest with his uninjured hand. “Help me,” he rasped out.
“Answer my question. Who the fuck are you? And who sent you?” Tommy’s voice was hard. He dug his fingers into the man’s face, keeping their eyes locked.
“Jones. I’m Jones,” he struggled to get out.
“And?” When Jones didn’t continue, Tommy pinched the wound in the hand wrapped around the gun.
Jones cried out, “I don’t know. It was an anonymous hit.” His words were garbled, but that didn’t stop Tommy’s interrogation.
“I swear!” he cried as Tommy bent his bleeding hand backward.
Sirens blared down the street as four cop cars sped into our parking lot. I slipped my gun into my purse and turned toward the cops, hoping to block the scene behind me as Tommy worked the guy for info.