Page 67 of Sasha and the Heir
“It’s so good to see you,” Luca murmured as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
I lifted our entwined fingers to my lips, kissing each bruised knuckle. “These are new.”
He huffed, blowing hair into my eyes. Pushing it behind my ears, he stared down at me. “After that guy showed up at your office, things got rough for a couple of days. It’s settled down.”
“You sure?” I searched for any signs he was holding back the truth.
“Absolutely. The warden and I have come to an understanding.” He kissed the tip of my nose and leaned back. “How are Malcolm and Ashley?”
“Better. His mom went home, and Malcolm is already up and moving around. Ashley will be back in the office next week.” I opened the pastry box Loretta had prepared per Luca’s request. “Thank you for the extra security, by the way. It makes everyone feel a lot better after the shooting.”
“Anything for you.” He grinned as I handed him a gooey butter cake square on a napkin. “But you’re still working from home, right?”
“I am. It sucks, but what can I do?”
He squeezed my knee with his free hand. “It won’t be forever.” The silent promise of Cy’s death hung between us. In a month and a half, the bastard would be dead, Tootsie and Zoe would come home, and Luca would be free.
“I know.” I took a bite and groaned. Covering my mouth, I muttered, “Loretta’s amazing.”
“She really is. I hope Marco doesn’t fuck it up.”
“From what I’ve seen, she’s not backing down from his bullshit.”
“Good. People have always deferred to Marco, and for good reason, but he can be a real asshole.”
I laughed and brushed off my hands. “Pretty sure Loretta let him know.”
Luca chewed thoughtfully, a little wrinkle between his eyebrows. Despite the fluorescent lighting in the interview room, his garish orange clothing, and the metal chair digging into my thighs, for a moment, everything felt right. We might as well have been at home in the kitchen, trying out new recipes.
A knock on the door jarred me from my brief happiness, shattering the illusion of normalcy. Through the small window, a guard pointed at Luca and gestured.
Luca chuckled, shaking his head. “The cameras are cut, and the guard won't be back for twenty minutes.”
“Why, Mr. Moretti, what do you think is about to happen?” I fluttered my lashes, laying a hand on my chest.
“This.” Luca grinned as he went to the door, and the guard opened it, handing in a boombox. “Let’s see what he was able to get.” He hit play, and Al Green’s voice filled the room. Swiveling his hips, Luca smoothly danced my way, humming along. He held out his hand and smiled. “May I have this dance?”
As soon as our fingers touched, he pulled me up from my chair, and a shocked laugh fell from my lips. Bringing me close, we bumped into the chairs as he spun me around, crooning low in my ear words of love and forever. The bass of his voice sent shivers down my spine, making my knees weak.
“You planned a little dessert and dancing.” My lips grazed his cheek. As I caressed his face, the stubble along his jaw rasped under my nails.
Luca spun me out and brought me back to his chest, wrapping our arms around my middle. “Just because I’m locked up doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a little belated birthday celebration.” He pressed a kiss behind my ear as we swayed to the new song.
I tilted my face up and kissed under his jaw. “I love you.”
“There aren’t enough words to describe how I feel about you, Sasha, but we have a lifetime for me to show you.”
“I can’t wait until you’re home.”
He held me closer. “Things are going to be different when I get home.” I tried to turn in his arms to look him in the eye, but he held me in place. “Since I’ve been in here, Marco’s proved he’s more than capable and willing to pick up some of the slack.” Luca moved my hands up and placed them on the back of his neck. His fingers traced down my sides, making me tremble. “And with Tootsie back, we will be positioned to solidify the Moretti hold in the Midwest.”
I gasped, my stomach quivering as he cupped my breasts. He roughly squeezed, drawing a moan from me. “That means I’ll be able to be home more. I’ve learned my lesson, Sasha. Going without seeing you every day is killing me. I can’t believe how much I took for granted. Being able to walk into a room and smell your perfume, knowing you’d just been there. Catching a glimpse of you as you get out of the shower. Having you curl into me in the middle of the night with your cold feet.”
Tears filled my eyes, and I was torn between his sweet words and his hands dipping into my dress. Luca teased my nipples, and I arched against him, my ass pressing into his hardening cock.
“Tasting your pussy on my tongue long after you’ve allowed me the pleasure of having you for breakfast. Feeling your perfect cunt wrapped around me, taking what you need.”