Page 69 of Sasha and the Heir
Winding my hair around his fist, Luca pulled my mouth to his and kissed me viciously. His teeth tugged my bottom lip. “Heaven. Your body is fucking heaven.”
My mouth fell open when he pinched my clit, sending flutters through my body. I was beyond responding or doing anything. I was at Luca’s mercy.
“Play with your tits. Give them a show.”
Not knowing if anyone was on the other side of the mirror sent a thrill through me. I lifted my hands from the table, leaving my leg and Luca's hand in my hair as the only things holding me up. Barely aware of my stinging scalp, I ran my long nails over the soft skin of my breasts, pushing my dress completely aside.
Luca groaned as I tweaked and pulled my hard nipples. Our eyes stayed locked in the mirror as we worked my body with a precision that only came with time and experience. I hovered on the precipice of another orgasm, my body still recovering from my first.
Luca pulled out and spun me around, setting my ass on the table before he thrust into me. Our foreheads fell together as we moved. Staring into Luca’s dark brown eyes, everything else melted away. My heart raced in my chest as I panted, breathing in Luca’s exhaled breath. Gripping his shoulders, I thrust back, chasing my final release. Luca’s hands fell to my ass, sliding me closer, grinding into me every time we met.
Frantic, I dug my nails into the course material and kissed Luca with every ounce of love and longing coursing through me. When I came, it was a blinding flash behind my eyelids. Luca followed me, groaning into my mouth as I swallowed his pleasure with deep kisses. We came down from our highs, kissing and caressing each other.
I leaned back and smiled up at Luca. His half-lidded eyes and swollen lips begged for more. “You got something there.” I wiped my red lipstick from under his lip with my thumb.
“Thanks.” Luca looked down at my chest with a sigh before putting my bra and dress back in place. He glanced over his shoulder, then back at me. “We’re out of time.”
“Yeah.” I nodded and slid off the table, my skirt falling back in place.
Luca pulled his pants back up, then gave me a once over. “Let me—” He ran his fingers through my hair, yanking out the snarls. A sweet gesture but painful as hell.
We’d finished adjusting ourselves to near pre-banging perfection when there was a knock at the door. Luca handed off the boombox, and we sat back at the table. Luckily, the gooey butter cake had survived. I served us both another piece, and I’d just taken a bite when there was another knock, and the door swung open.
“Oh. Sasha.” Fern’s smile fell, and I had to bite my lips to keep from smirking. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“She’s my wife. Why wouldn’t she be?”
Fern straightened, bringing her briefcase in front of her. “Right.”
“Gooey butter cake?” I grinned and held up a piece of the delicious treat.
Luxury cars lined the driveway all the way up to Rosa’s house. Frankie assured me that a spot near the house would be open for us, and sure enough, he was right.
A perk of being the Mrs. Moretti.
Frankie parked, but I didn’t get out. Instead, I checked my makeup, checked my phone, and checked to make sure I had a gun in my purse.
“It’s not going to be so bad.”
“Uh-huh.” I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.
“Quit being a coward and get out of the car,” Frankie said as he slipped out of the car, laughing at my outraged face.
Rushing after him, I swatted his arm. “You’re an asshole.”
“And you’re out of the car.”
Sure enough, we were at the front door, being ushered inside. Frankie left me standing in the main hall as he walked toward the office. Before I could follow, Rosa was in front of me. “Come greet everyone.” Her grip on my elbow left no room for argument.
We swanned into the parlor and were greeted by Marco’s parents, Arturo and Karina. Mickey stood off to the side, looking rough. He said a quick hello, then left the room.
His mother watched him with a frown. “I’m sorry. Mickey has been a little off today.”
“Don’t worry about it. Today is a hard one for all of us.”
She gave me a grateful smile and followed Mickey, leaving her husband to excuse himself for the bar.
I proceeded to shake the hands of every Moretti that lived within fifty miles of St. Louis. Most were polite and asked after Luca. Some of them were cold and standoffish, which made sense because Luca had replaced them with younger blood. At the back of the room stood Adriana and a sulking Dante.