Page 72 of Sasha and the Heir
The words stabbed, hospital, and critical condition floated through the phone as it fell from my trembling hand and clattered on the floor. My heart beat stuttered as I struggled to suck down enough air.
“Ma’am?” A panicked young woman in all black kneeled before me, her hands stopping just shy of touching me.
I opened my mouth, desperate to assure her I was fine, but no words came out. Only a strangled cry echoed through the small room. The edges of my vision blackened as I sagged back in my chair, a dizzy spell making it hard to stay upright. Sweat beaded on my forehead as I struggled to swallow, my mouth suddenly dry.
Luca was hurt. Luca could be dead.
The girl in front of me disappeared, and in her place was Rosa, saying my name.
“Sasha. It’s going to be okay.” She stroked my hands, making calming sounds. “I need you to take a deep breath.”
I stared into her eyes, following her example.
“That’s it. Keep breathing. It’s all you need to do.”
Breath after breath, Rosa kept holding my hands, lifting them with every inhale.
“Thank you,” I croaked out, tears filling my eyes. “Luca—”
“I know. Let me help you to the office.”
I nodded and let her lead me to where Marco, Mickey, Taz, Aldo, Joey, and Frankie were gathered around the desk, watching something on a laptop. “What’s that?” My voice was quiet but carried through the silent room.
Marco frowned at me, then he and Rosa had a silent conversation.
Clearing my throat, I pointed a shaky finger at the laptop. “What are you watching?”
Frankie stepped between the guys and me, his face uncharacteristically soft. “You don’t need to see that, Sasha.”
I blinked at him, unable to comprehend what could be so bad. My husband was in critical condition. How could a video be— “Is it of—”
Frankie gave me a terse nod, and I pushed past him, shouldering Joey out of the way. On the screen was a freeze frame of Luca on the ground, surrounded by three men, holding what looked like shivs, but the grainy video made it hard to discern. “Oh, God.”
Two big hands landed on my shoulders and guided me to the high-back chair, gently pushing me down.
“Aunt Rosa, can you let everyone know we’ll be out shortly?” Marco asked, and as much as I wanted to see her reaction to being sent away, I couldn’t take my eyes off a prone Luca.
“Of course.” The door clicked closed, and the men circled around me.
“Did the warden call you?”
“Yes.” I waved away the question and hit play on the video. It started over, and I had the terrible privilege of watching Luca be surrounded and get a few solid hits in. Ultimately, he was no match for being stabbed from three directions. “These guys?” My voice cracked, so I swallowed. “I want them dead. I want them bleeding out slowly, tortured in ways I can’t even imagine, but I’m sure you guys can figure it out.”
“Done,” Marco said as he closed the laptop, finally breaking my stare and earning himself a glare. “We wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m not.”
Frankie laughed, and the other men looked at him like he’d lost it. “What? You guys are terrible at being a shoulder to cry on. Of course, she’s not okay. Tell her how you’re going to make it right, and let’s get back out there and eat whatever magic Loretta made.”
Aldo shifted in his seat and nodded. “Frankie’s right.”
“Let me assure you, these guys will be gone by tomorrow morning.”
“Okay.” I tried to give Marco a small smile but couldn’t. “Can I see Luca, or—”
“And what about Lorenzo?” Taz asked from the couch. “When is that going to be a priority?”