Page 81 of Sasha and the Heir
Through Fern’s excellent legal skills and Luca’s above average-acting abilities, the hospital kept pushing back his release. After two weeks of daily visits, I had to watch as they loaded him into a police cruiser and drove away.
His return to the cell wasn’t without complications. His attackers had mysteriously disappeared. Into the system? Into the morgue? No one could figure it out. A rumor was spread that Luca was next, so they kept him nice and cozy in isolation.
No one needed to know we’d spread the rumor.
With my husband away from gen pop and SA Designs absolutely killing it when it came to deadlines, I was cautiously optimistic. The morning of the casino opening, I was ready for my life to finally be put right by the death of Cy Chronis.
Ashley, Axel, Scott, and I walked through the slot machines, doing last-minute checks as if there was time to make any changes.
“Goddamn, those chairs are sexy,” Scott shouted over the noise of the machines as he ran his fingers over the fabric.
“Can you believe the smoke smell is gone?” Ashley took a deep breath and smiled. “Amazing what new carpet can do.”
“Miranda was 100% right about this layout. Somehow this huge room feels cozy.” The sparkling light fixtures above us softly lit the space.
We all looked at Axel, waiting for him to give his own musing, and were gifted with a tight-lipped smile.
I checked my watch and sighed. “I think it’s time for Ashley and me to head up to the suite and get ready. You guys want to come or . . .”
“We actually need to run to the office, but we’ll be back in time for opening.”
We hugged and lingered in the middle of the casino floor together.
“This is a big deal.” Axel shook his head as he took in the room. “We really did this.”
“Yeah,” the three of us agreed with dreamy smiles.
He grinned and gave my shoulder a gentle shove. “Go. Knowing you two, you’ll need the whole afternoon to get ready.”
Ashley gasped. “How dare you?” Her hand flew to her chest. “Come on, Sasha. It’s time to get even more beautiful.”
The guys laughed and split off toward the exit while we went to the bank of shiny elevators. “When’s Malcolm getting here?” I pressed the button, and the doors immediately slid open.
“He’ll be here at five.” Ashley rubbed her arm and stared at our reflection in the flawless metal. The numbers lit up quickly as we rode up to the top floor.
“Everything okay, or . . .”
She rolled her eyes. “We’re fine. He’s been working a case, and I’m learning to trust that he won't end up beaten in an alley.”
The doors opened, and we got out. “Ah. Yeah. That’s a tough one.”
“It’ll be fine.” Our footsteps were muffled by the plush carpet as we made our way down the hall. “I just can’t get the image of him in that hospital bed out of my mind. And then he’s all ‘I can handle myself’ in his stupid, deep, sexy voice.”
I couldn’t help but laugh as I let us in the room. Floor-to-ceiling windows with a fantastic view of the city greeted us, and for the millionth time that day, my chest swelled with pride.
“Shut up. If Malcolm thinks he can sex me into submission . . . he might be right.” Ashley cackled and ran toward the garment bags in the bedroom. “Did you bring more than one outfit?”
Tearing the foil off a bottle of champagne, I popped the cork. “Yes. Just in case I need a dramatic reveal later.”
“Ever the performer.”
I poured two glasses and groaned. “It’s been so long since I’ve had a show. When Luca’s home and things calm down, I’m getting back on stage.”
“Good for you.” Ashley carried out her opened garment bag, the sun catching on the beaded skirt of her flapper dress.
“That dress is amazing.”