Page 9 of Sasha and the Heir
“Luca needs me.”
“No. Sweetheart, Luca needs a miracle. You’re here because you realize you made a mistake when you left him.” The room was silent for a beat, and I struggled to stay put. “The problem is, you’re too late. He’s married.”
“I know.”
“She’s pregnant. Did you know that?”
“Wait. She’s pregnant?”
Nicki cackled, making me rethink everything I thought I knew about her. “Yeah. He married her, and now she’s having his baby. You’re here to get him out so they can get their happily ever after. Once you’ve served your purpose, you’ll crawl back to whatever yurt you came from.”
“God, you’re such a bitch.”
“No. I’m honest. Sasha’s the bitch. If you think I’m mean, wait until she catches wind of your desperation. I hope I’m there to see it.”
I took immediate offense until I remembered how much I wanted to pull a gun on Zoe for just having seen Luca’s bare chest. Maybe I was a bitch. Shrugging, I went into the conference room, and both women froze. Nicki’s features smoothed to her classic bland expression as she greeted me.
“Did you guys get started without me?”
“No! Sasha—Mrs. Moretti.” Fern stumbled over her words and feet coming over to greet me. “Fern Robison. It’s nice to meet you.” Her handshake was firm, and her face was professionally neutral. The only hint of the awkward conversation with Nicki was the pink tint to her pale cheeks.
“Please, call me Sasha.” I smiled and looked past her to Nicki. “Are you staying?”
“Yes. My dad got hauled into a meeting about the casino, so I’m here.” Her lips thinned into a tight smile.
I took the chair at the head of the table, letting the women figure out where they’d sit. “Marco should be here in a minute.”
They both nodded, simultaneously choosing a chair one down from me and across from each other. Nicki’s blank expression gave away nothing, but I couldn’t help but wonder if she picked that seat on purpose.
Fern’s strawberry blond hair was woven into an impressive braid, so I had an unobscured view of her delicate, freckled features locked in a severe expression. Despite her scowl, something in her brown eyes gave away her vulnerability to the venom Nicki spewed. This woman wasn’t as hard as she wanted to be.
I took a bottle of water from the middle of the table and settled in for what I hoped would be a short wait because I didn’t think Fern could survive much more of Nicki’s ice queen act.
“Sorry I’m late. I—” Marco paused in the doorway, assessing the three of us with curiosity before joining us at the table. “My meeting ran late.”
“No problem.” Fern grinned, standing. “How are you, Marco?” She went to hug him, and he gave her his side, shooting me an annoyed look.
“I’m fine.” He patted her arm and took the seat in between Nicki and me. “So where are we at?”
Fern frowned and sat. “Bail’s out of the question.”
It took everything in me not to flinch.
“I’ve only had a few days to review the case, but they have everything they need to keep Luca in jail. It doesn’t help that the judge is determined to make an example out of Luca.”
“But they don’t have any bodies.” Because said bodies were out in the world hiding from the Moretti and Chronis families.
Fern gave me a sad smile. “They don’t need bodies when they have witnesses and physical evidence.”
And now I felt stupid. Why hadn’t I watched more true crime documentaries? Damn those children’s pageants and fighting housewives for being so bingeable.
Fern continued to talk, Marco and Nicki occasionally asking questions while I sat there numb, blinking absently at the three of them as they discussed Luca’s future. The fact that I’d really believed Fern could fix everything right away was embarrassing. It would take time and effort to free Luca, and now that I was out of plays, it was time to figure out my new normal.
After an hour of going over the case at a high level, Fern confirmed a date to meet with Luca, assuring me I would be immediately added to the visitor list. Then Nicki left without saying anything, and Marco had to take a call, leaving Fern and me alone.
“I really appreciate you helping Luca.”
“Of course. He doesn’t deserve to be in prison.” Fern stood tall, her light eyebrows drawing together as her honey eyes studied me. I’d been silently judged by more intimidating people, so this brilliant, waif lawyer couldn’t rattle me.