Page 30 of Billionaire Bestie
“Drive safe,” I tell him, pulling the covers around me as he leaves the room. The sun should rise soon and once he is gone, I lock my door and open the blinds for the small view of the water I have where the sun would come up.
I think everything over as the sky turns a vivid pink. Kyle wants to propose and get engaged to me, but it would all be for show. His parents hate me, and they’ll never accept it. That had been obvious last night when they tried to get him to have dinner with his ex and her family.
What will our engagement even solve if they wouldn’t accept it?
I think this was a losing battle and snuggle deeper under the covers. If I keep this up, I’ll get to have him in my life. Wasn’t that worth it?
When it’s time for me to get up and shower, I grudgingly start a cup of coffee while I heat the water. I know I should have slept a bit more, but I had too much to think about. I sipped coffee as I put on makeup to look more awake than I felt and let my hair dry in waves before pulling on comfortable black pants and a soft purple sweater.
It’s a little chilly out as I walk to the car, and I shiver before turning on the heater. While the sunrise had been gorgeous, it looks as though clouds were coming in now.
The team arrives and we settle in for the day. I stick to the campaign and push everything else away, appreciating the distraction. I have to let things continue the way they are and just be ready for the next step. I don’t know if it’s the right plan, but I promised Kyle I’d do this.
I just never expected to fall for him so fast.
We go on dates to be seen and spend other times together doing things just for us. I can feel our bond growing, but he’s full speed ahead with his plan, and I don’t think he feels the same way I do.
Six weeks after we talked about it, Kyle puts the proposal idea out there for the upcoming weekend. It would be our fake five-month anniversary and a perfect night near the water after dinner. I have no idea how five months passed so quickly. I just know that we’re still sleeping together every chance we get and spending a lot of time together as one would do with their girlfriend.
I finally told my mom about Kyle and how we’re dating. She’s thrilled since she always liked him and hopes that everything works out for us. She’s concerned about the fact he’s my boss, but I explained everything has been calm in that department.
People seemed to stop talking so much a few weeks into the relationship. There was never drama between me and Kyle, so they got bored and moved on to something else. I knew that would change with the engagement next week and enjoyed the time I had left where I’d go under the radar.
Saturday was sunny and beautiful, and we planned to go to a very popular restaurant for dinner and walk on a path afterward. There would be an audience and word would get out as needed, and we’d be hit with a media storm.
I dress in a new green dress and heels after putting my makeup on for the night. Of course, Kyle spent the night with me last night and he went home to get ready before picking me up for our date. I want to feel something about this night, but all I know is that I won’t be his real fiancée.
I don’t think we’ll ever get married. This is just to get his mom off his back.
When I open the door to Kyle, he looks handsome in a dark gray suit. I smile and tell him that after he compliments me, taking my hand as he leads me to the car. He doesn’t tell me where we’re going, but when we park near the space needle, I stare at him.
“We’re going up there?” I ask as he nods with a smile.
“Think you can handle being up that high?” Kyle teases me as I roll my eyes.
“I climbed the tree higher than you ever did.”
I look around as we walk to the entrance, realizing how beautiful Seattle is. Everything is lit up now and the view from the top will be incredible.
It’s also a popular place to eat and we’ll be seen by the right people.
We’re seated and Kyle asks for two glasses of wine before we look at the menu. I worry about when it’s going to happen as I look, settling on a salad when the server stops by the table with our wine.
This was supposed to be a joyous surprise with someone I loved. I loved Kyle, but I won’t tell him that. That isn’t part of the plan for either of us.
We get through dinner as I take in the view through our window seat, falling more in love with my new home. The food is amazing, and the restaurant has a nice ambiance to it though it’s on the small side. I wonder how many people have been proposed to here as I worry about him doing it at our table.
Oh, God. What if he does it here at the table?
The time drags as we finish eating, and he asks if I want dessert. My stomach is in knots, and I tell him no, watching as he pays the bill. He takes my hand, and we leave, standing outside for a moment to take in the view again.
I hear someone gasp and turn to see Kyle on one knee with a smile on his face. This is it. My ears ring as he says something and opens a box to show me the perfect engagement ring and I feel tears in my eyes. I nod, telling him yes, and he slips the ring on my finger and pulls me against him, kissing me as people around us cheer.
If only this were real.
We ask people to take some pictures and go back down to the car after that’s done, where he kisses me again. Once we are inside, Kyle turns to me and grins.
“You did great up there. I loved the tears, Laina. It made it look so real.” He told me as I nod, glancing down at the vintage-style ring with a round diamond.