Page 37 of Bad to the Bone
Hefting the sheet-clad body over my shoulder, I carry it up the stairs. Unfortunately, when I get to the back door, it’s like a fucking airport lounge, people everywhere.
Paddy and Connor are speaking with Tiggy, who shouldn’t be sitting on the back stoop of the club in a fucking blind alley with some lad whose eyes widen when they land on me. He turns, projectile vomiting at Tiggy’s feet. Tiggy’s eyes also turn to me, widening in fear and revulsion.
This is why I have to stay away from Mellie. It would kill me to see that look on her face. It would kill me to be the one to put it there.
Paddy grabs Tiggy’s arm, yelling for Connor to grab the lad. Jesus fuck. None of this is my problem. I shove past everyone, determined to get to the car I use to dump bodies before I start dripping blood all over the floor.
A commotion comes from the door into the back alley where the industrial bins are. I can hear vomiting. I hope everyone is okay.
Clutching my mug of coffee to my chest, I glance out the door of the kitchenette, my eyes widening as Connor strides past, his face grim, dragging a young boy –thirteen or fourteen –who maybe was the one vomiting.
“No!” the kid sobs. “I don’t want to go with you. I don’t want to end up with the blood-covered dude.”
Connor kicks a door open, disappearing with the kid down the stairs. I know what is down there. No one talks about it, but I’ve figured out that’s where people get tortured, whereNialltortures people.
A blood-covered dude? I perk up, swallowing a smile as I drain my coffee and return to the VIP room. Niall must be back. Perfect timing.
He said I could come back when my hand is healed, and it pretty much is. I’ve been doing inventory with Tiggy this morning. It’s been good to get out of my apartment. I’ve been so bored, going out of my mind.
I’m glad Niall’s here. I’ve missed seeing him. Plus, I want to thank him for my new blender. I wouldn’t have been able to afford to buy another one for at least two weeks, but now I still get to have my smoothies for breakfast each morning.
I’m prepping the VIP bar for tonight when he stalks in. My breath catches, and my eyes watch his process, drinking him in.
Instead of dropping into the barstool across from me, Niall strides around the bar, pressing his body against my back, my heart thudding in my chest. This is new. I’m not complaining.
Reaching around me, Niall gently picks up my injured hand, his fingers stroking over the healed cuts. Only the deepest is still there, and it’s almost completely healed.
“I’m not working tonight,” I blurt out. Niall’s breath brushes against my ear, my stomach clenching.
“Sure, and I’m glad to hear it, lass,” he rumbles, his fingers stroking my palm again.
As Niall moves away from me, I swear I feel him nuzzle his nose into my hair for the briefest moment. Before I can be sure, he’s striding back around the bar. He doesn’t move to sit down, continuing for the door when I yell after him.
“Thank you for my new blender!”
Well. That could have been smoother. Niall freezes mid-stride, turning back to me with a blank look on his face.
“Ye think I bought ye a new blender?” His tone is measured, his face blank, his voice careful.
Not wanting to spook him, I resume refilling the napkin holders, glancing up at him with a blink, keeping my voice casual and my face deadpan.
“It better have been you. Otherwise, I need you to check out the weirdo who has been breaking into my apartment.”
His eyebrows shoot up, and a worried look flashes across his face.
“They’d be a weirdo then,” he says slowly, “if they had broken into yer apartment?”
I bite back a smile. He’s worried I might think he’s a creep. Oh, so very much the opposite. I eye him carefully, pursing my lips.
“If they weren’t you, then yes. Complete weirdo.” I shudder dramatically as Niall frowns at me.
“And if itwasme?”
“Well, that’s okay then. I don’t mind if it’s you.”
Niall nods, turning away, but not before I catch the fleeting look of pleasure on his face as he walks out of the bar.