Page 51 of Bad to the Bone
I keep walking until the heavy front door of Oracle slams shut behind me, and I can’t hear her voice anymore.
Chapter Twenty
Checking the time on my watch again, I frown, my eyes darting around the VIP room. Mellie is usually here by now, standing at the bar, setting it up for the night.
My fingers flex with the need to drive to her apartment to make sure she is okay. No. That would be too much. Gritting my teeth, I head into the kitchenette for coffee. I’ll make a cup, and if she’s not here by the time I finish it, I’ll go in search of her.
My feet falter as I walk into the kitchenette. Mellie is bent over the counter, her hands pressed flat against the countertop, her eyes closed, breathing deeply.
“Mellie?” my voice rumbles loudly in the stillness of the room. Her eyes fly open, fixing on mine.
Panic flashes through them, and I’m across the room in two strides, tugging her up and turning her to me, her head tilted back so I can look into her face.
“What happened,amhuirnín? Are ye alright?” I demand, my eyes searching hers.
“I am now,” she whispers. My chest clenches. Now? Now I’m here? It’s wrong that the lass feels that way, but it warms my heart.
“What d’ye need me to do,amhuirnín?” I murmur, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.
“I just need you to look at me.”
My breath catches. I can do that. I stare into the lass’s eyes until the flash of panic has faded. I’m about to dip my head to kiss her when a throat clearing has me stepping away before I was even close to being ready to.
Turning to whoever dared interrupt us, I glare at Mellie’s little blonde stripper friend, who Ronan has been sniffing around.
Since she entered Ronan’s radar, we’ve noticed her at Paddy’s underground fights. Ronan spends most of those fights trying to convince her to leave since he doesn’t like the idea of her being in a rough place like that. He’s yet to succeed, but you have to admire his tenacity.
The stripper flashes me a grin like my glare doesn’t bother her, and Mellie clears her throat, turning to make a cup of coffee. She makes me one too, which has the blonde stripper smirking, but Mellie pointedly ignores her, snatching up the freshly-made coffee and striding out of the kitchenette.
I grab my mug too, hurrying after Mellie, but before I can go in search of her, Connor comes striding down the corridor.
“There you are. Paddy’s waiting for you outside. He needs you to do the rounds with him. Thanks.”
He takes my coffee as I glare at him. He stares back at me, holding my gaze as he raises his eyebrows, lifting the mug and taking a sip of my coffee. Like Seamus, Connor has never been fazed by my glare.
Smirking, he salutes me with the cup, wandering away. I flip off his retreating figure, sighing as I go in search of Paddy. I wanted to check in with Mellie. Whatever was going on with her upset her. I shouldn’t be leaving.
Ever since he’s been shacked up with his little lass, Paddy has been in a hurry to get home each day. I can’t blame him. If I had Mellie waiting for me at home, I wouldn’t ever want to leave the bedroom.
Heading out the back to the parking lot, I catch sight of Mellie and the stripper with their heads together, the stripper patting Mellie sympathetically on the back. Fuck. Is that what I should have done?
I slide into the front seat of Paddy’s SUV, and he nods to me as he pulls out onto the road. I remember the conversation he and Seamus had the other week. Cuddling. Fuck.
But there was nowhere in the kitchenette to lay down, and apparently, cuddling always has to be done lying down. I should ask Paddy for clarification. No doubt he would have had ample cuddling opportunities now. The little lass is living in his apartment. I’m sure he’s upset her plenty. He always seems to be upsetting Tiggy.
We’re already pulling up at the first address before I can figure out what I need to ask, and Paddy is out of the SUV. Jesus fuck. After she finishes work tonight, I’ll go to Mellie’s place and cuddle her.
I spend the rest of the day as Paddy drives us around, trying to remember all the arbitrary rules they laid out to ensure I do it right so Mellie feels properly comforted. Jesus fuck. I hope I don’t forget any of them.
I’m almost asleep, curled up in bed when the door creaks softly as it opens. What the hell? Through my haze of sleepiness, I stiffen as a warm, hard body slides into the bed behind me. What’s happening?
Large hands slide up my sides as I’m tugged back against a hard chest. A face nuzzles my hair, and strong arms circle my waist. As I’m about to scream blue murder, cinnamon and oak fill my nostrils, and my breath catches.
“Niall?” I whisper into the darkness. The arms tighten around me.