Page 82 of Bad to the Bone
“Did you know about this?” I ask Niall again, slowly and quietly. He shrugs, still stroking the back of my neck.
“Aye, I did,” he admits, grinning at me, looking like a little kid at Christmas. I scowl at him. I’m angry with him. I don’t want him looking boyishly handsome and melting my heart when I’m trying to hold on to my anger.
“And you didn’t think to mention it to me?” I raise an eyebrow as Niall shrugs again.
“I thought it would be a nice surprise,amhuirnín.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “You’re lucky I love you.”
Niall leans in to press a kiss against my lips.
“Sure, and I know it,” he murmurs against my mouth.
Mellie insisted on dressing with Lauren. When she left the condo this morning, she was wearing yoga pants and one of my T-shirts. It’s a look I love on her, but I was looking forward to drinking in the sight of her in her bridesmaid's dress.
Ronan and Connor are with the lasses – so they’ve already seen what Mellie looks like. Bastards –while I’m at the church waiting for her.
Lauren has only invited two guests, so Paddy wanted some of us to sit on her side, so the church doesn’t look miserable. I volunteered immediately. I’m sitting in the front row to be closest to Mellie.
Nodding to Seamus and Paddy, standing at the altar with the priest, my eyes sweep over the otherwise empty front pew on the bride’s side. Paddy has no family either, but Sean and Siobhan Fitzpatrick claimed him at fifteen years old, so they’re in the front pew on that side.
I meet Sean’s eyes, nodding and receiving a nod in return. Siobhan doesn’t meet my eyes, delicately shuddering and turning away. Christ. The woman has lived here too long. My Aunt Niamh had no problem looking me dead in the eye as she served me food at her kitchen table.
I pick a spot on the pew close to where Mellie will be standing. Perfect. Seamus wanders over to speak with his father and aunt while Paddy strides up the aisle, his eyes locked on a gorgeous blonde.
He brings her to me. “This is Niall. You stick with him. You’ll be fine.”
The woman turns her wide, nervous eyes on me, but there is no recognition. She has less than no clue who I am. No wonder Paddy is sticking her with me. The other lads’ll eat her alive.
Paddy fixes me with a stern look. “Andie is Lauren’s best friend.”
Mellie did mention a lass Lauren was sad not to ask to be in her wedding party, but she didn’t want her too involved in “the lifestyle.” This must be her.
I fix her with a look. “I’ll look after ye, lass.”
She smiles faintly, hugging her purse to her chest as she sinks into the pew near me, her eyes glued to the priest. Ronan’s stripper and a pregnant Tilly appear, wearing matching pale blue Grecian dresses. Jesus fuck. They’re both the color of Mellie’s eyes.
My breath catches in my throat as Mellie slips through the church doors. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. My heart is thudding in my chest as she strolls up the aisle, holding her flowers and smiling broadly.
I was right. Her dress is the exact blue of her eyes. How clever of her. She’s stunning. I’ve picked my seat well. As Mellie reaches the alter, she turns to the left, taking her place beside Tiggy, standing directly in front of me, not two feet away.
She is smiling over my head, probably waiting for Lauren to appear, but I have other ideas. Stretching out my leg, I slide it under the hem of her dress, where it brushes the ground, and slowly stroke her ankle with the toes of my dress shoes.
Her breathing quickens, making her glorious chest heave a little. Perfect. Paddy’s little lass walks in at some stage, and they get married, but I’m not paying attention. My eyes are glued to Mellie’s face, her cheeks are tinged with pink, and her lips are parted slightly, her eyes sparkling.
My stroking foot is trying to distract her, but she’s staring resolutely at the bride and groom. I like her determination. I’m going to reward her for that.
Finally, the wedding is over. Except that means Mellie is walking out on Seamus’s arm. The bastard waggles his eyebrows at me, his hand resting on top of hers where it lies on his arm. He’s teasing me, the prick. I remember when I used to taunt him about Tiggy. Jesus fuck, it’s not fun being on this side of things.
“Lass,” I grunt at my companion, extending my hand. She blinks, turning her wide eyes on me like she forgot I was there. A small hand grips mine as I help her to her feet, and she scampers out of the church ahead of me like her arse is on fire.
We get as far as the sidewalk when she glances around. “There are no cabs.”
My eyebrows raise as I study her. “Ye don’t need a cab, lass. I’ll take ye.”
I jerk my head to my SUV, and she flashes another nervous smile, hurrying after me. We don’t speak on the short drive to the hotel for the reception, and as soon as we’re inside, she hurries off to the bar. I let her go. She can’t get into any trouble in here. Enough people saw her sitting with me at the church to know not to mess with her.