Page 12 of Taken By the Cowboy
So I smile, walk up to my brother, and shake his hand. "I hope you and Vikki are happy together. I know I haven't said that before because I couldn’t get past how you could betray me like that. But then I think of Candy, and if you and Vikki feel the same way I feel about her, then I understand."
My brother sags in relief. "Candy has been good for you, man."
"Yeah, she’s been completely unexpected."
We started as a fake relationship. I don't know when it switched to something real, but in a short time, she's become someone I don't want to live without.
I plan to do everything in my power to get her to stay and show her how I feel about her. I plan to prove I'm not going anywhere.
Chapter 10
NorthsaidIdidn'thave to come to the bachelorette party tonight, but he suggested it would be a great way to bond with the other girls, especially since a few of his cousins were going to be here.
I feel so out of place. I've never been to a dance club before. I knew you were supposed to dress up, so I wore jeans and a nice shirt, but to say I'm overdressed would be an understatement.
Everyone at the bachelor party is wearing a teeny tiny dress that barely covers their butts with their boobs hanging out. They're in super high fuck me heels and wearing way too much makeup. They're also skinny as a rail, whereas I have plenty of curves.
Two of the women are married, one is getting married, and I know at least three of the others have boyfriends attending the bachelor party. I know bachelor parties are all about having fun, but I've never been to one like this.
I've been to a few clubs in college, but I don't remember them being this loud, dark, and packed. Clubs have never been my thing. The few times I went with a friend, I always left early.
I walk up to the bar to get a soda, and Vikki and a few of her friends are also standing there.
"Oh, look. There's North's new toy," Vikki says, and all the girls burst into giggles. "I don't know what he sees in you after having me."
"I don't cheat on him for one. And I'm not you, which is exactly why he likes me." I can't believe she still cares what her ex is doing when she's about to marry his brother.
My comments sober her up quickly, and she and her little group go off onto the dance floor. I sit at the bar and watch them. I've known girls like Vikki from school. She had North and didn't want him, but she sure as shit doesn't want anyone else to have him.
I figure it's probably best I stay away and let them do their thing. I can sit here for an hour or so while North spends time with his brother and family without worrying about me.
As my drink gets low, a man walks up to the bar beside me. "Can I get you another drink, sweetheart?"
"No, I think I’m okay, thank you." I try to be polite.
"What about a dance?" he tries again.
"I don't think my boyfriend would like that very much."
"Figures all the good ones are taken. I hope he knows how lucky he is." He winks, grabs his drink from the bartender, and walks off.
I check my email and social media on my phone, and after an hour or so, I look up to see what the girls are doing. My stomach turns at the sight that greets me.
The bride-to-be is making out with some guy who is not her fiancé. Her friends, who I know aren’t single, are dancing all over some guys. It's not my scene, so I stay by the bar and wait until North is ready to pick me up.
A bit later, I text North to see how it's going on his end.
Me:How's the bachelor party?
North:Kind of lame for being the only sober one here. How are things going on your end?
I take a quick video of me sitting at the bar and show him my half-finished drink. I send it with the next text.
Me:Honestly, I'm pretty damn bored. This is not my scene.
North:You ready to leave?