Page 4 of Taken By the Cowboy
Dad’s been worried that I haven't been dating, which makes me feel guilty about this all being fake with North.
Chapter 4
Candycalledlastnightand said her dad wanted to meet me. Since her sister’s in town, they’re going to pick a Christmas tree and asked if I wanted to go. Of course, I want to go, even though I shouldn't. This dating thing with Candy should only be for appearances. But I haven't been to a Christmas tree farm since I was a little boy, and I can’t resist the temptation of spending time with Candy.
To say I’m nervous as I drive to her dad's house would be an understatement. I know how important her dad is to her, and I don't want to screw it up for her. She’s doing me a huge favor, and she can't be happy lying to her dad about us, which makes me feel even worse about the fake date thing.
When I pull up to the address Candy gave me, she’s sitting on the front porch steps and comes to meet me before I even get out of my truck.
"Everything okay?" I ask, worried that something's changed.
"I wanted to say thank you for this. I know it wasn't part of the deal."
"Of course it was. I agreed to a few family events for you too. It's only fair. I wouldn't expect you to miss out on spending time with your family for me. After you get done hanging out with my family, you'll understand,” I say wryly.
I take her hand as we head toward the house. An older man, who I assume is her father, and a younger girl who looks like Candy meet us out on the porch.
"North, this is my dad, Bill, and my sister, Parker. Guys, this is North."
When we talked last night, Candy said this would be a good test. Her dad is inquisitive, so if we can pass his scrutiny without raising any suspicions, we should be good to go with my family.
As we head to Bill’s truck, I open the passenger door for Parker before climbing into the back seat with Candy. I hold her hand the whole way and answer any questions her dad throws my way.
I soon realize that picking out Christmas trees means Candy and Parker do the picking while her dad and I stand back and give our opinion whenever we're asked.
"So, how did you two meet?" Bill asks as the girls bounce from tree to tree.
Candy and I talked about this and decided to stay as close to the truth as possible. Neither one of us likes lying to our family.
"My friend, Ben, introduced us."
"Ben the cop?"
"Yep. We’ve been friends since high school."
"He's a good guy. He just bought a ranch not far from here. A small hobby ranch."
Anything under a hundred acres is considered a hobby ranch around here, even though it's big enough to support a family if done right.
Bill tells the girls to choose a bigger tree than the one they’ve picked out, which makes them light up. "Candy said your brother is getting married next week?"
"Yeah, and I know you guys have a lot of family plans, but I'm grateful she's going with me. My brother is marrying my ex. She cheated on me while we were dating," I tell him honestly.
Bill looks shocked. "Christ, why are you even going?"
I frown as I consider his question. "Because my parents said it's family, and apparently, that means I have to be there." I shrug, trying to brush it off.
He looks at me from the corner of his eye, and I know he wants to say something.
"What is it?" I finally ask, wanting to know what he's thinking.
"I love my girls, but I wouldn’t support one betraying the other like that. Have you told your parents you don't want to go?"
"Oh, yes. But it doesn't matter. My mom used every ounce of mom guilt she had on me and convinced my grandparents to come to the wedding. They haven’t been able to visit for a few years, so she knew I wouldn't miss the chance to see them."
"It might not be my place, but you should be protecting yourself, not putting yourself in a situation like this."