Page 44 of Buried Betrayal
She scowled. “Isn’t your father waiting for you in the study? Better run along before you get in trouble.”
Lunging forward, I caught her arm, and she let out a cry of surprise. Her nails dug into my wrist as I pulled her fingers back to reveal what she was hiding. My jaw ticked when I saw the skeleton key. She used to use that thing all the time as a kid to get into places she wasn’t allowed. I glanced down the hall toward William’s private office before focusing back on her.
“What are you looking for?” I asked as she tore out of my grip. “Trying to find a way to get William off your back? If he catches you doing shit like this, it’s going to make your life worse.”
“Why do you care?” she snapped.
“What are you two doing up here?”
I blew out an annoyed breath as River stepped up beside me. Fuck, he showed up everywhere. I covered my surprise when Kat’s demeanor completely changed. Her eyes danced with amusement as she closed the distance between us.
“We were trying to get a second alone before you rudely showed up,” she told River as she grazed her fingers up my chest. “Go away, River.”
“Bullshit,” River muttered, his gaze glued to her hand that was crawling up my shirt. “You did that to piss Eli off. He’s not even here tonight.”
“No, I did it because I wanted to see if the rumors about West were true.” She bit her lip before grinning. “And they most definitely hold truth.”
I stood still, letting her hand drift back down my chest. It was clear she was doing it to get under River’s skin. And as his eyes clouded with anger, I decided I was completely okay with her using me for this reason.
“They’re the reason your brother is in prison,” River forced out, failing to stay calm. “Yet you’ll still let him touch you?”
She didn’t miss a beat. “Everyone has needs. West can fill mine. And unlike you, he doesn’t want to bring emotions into it. We have a mutual level of distrust from the past. But that doesn’t stop him from giving me what my body wants. Does it, West?”
“Nope. Doesn’t stop me at all.” With a smirk, I wrapped my arm around her waist, pressing her chest against mine. Despite her words, my sudden closeness had her muscles locking up. I met River’s glare and raised an eyebrow. “You heard her. Fuck off, River.”
All three of us looked down when we heard someone clear their throat. Eli’s mother was at the foot of the stairs, staring at us curiously. Not that she’d ever speak up and ask what we were doing. As much as Eli and I tried to make her life easier, Richard had stripped Emiko of her backbone years ago.
“They’re waiting for you in the study,” Emiko said softly, her voice barely loud enough to reach us at the top of the stairs.
“Me too?” Kat spoke up, shooting me a frown when I refused to move my arm from her waist.
“I’m sorry, Katalina. No. Only River and Weston,” she answered, not making eye contact with any of us.
“Of course,” Kat muttered darkly. “Because people with vaginas are second-class citizens in this house.”
River shot me a death glare before hopping down the stairs. Keeping Kat in my hold, I ran my hand down her arm until I pried open her fist.
Panic flashed in her eyes. “Don’t—”
“You know, the way you keep talking is making me feel like nothing but an object.” I ripped the key from her grip and held it over my head when she reached for it. “And right now, I’m all right with that. Because even when your eyes prove your hate for me, the image of you coming all over my fingers has been the only thing getting my dick hard since it happened.”
She stopped going for the key and stared at me. “I told you it wasn’t happening again.”
“Then why do you keep throwing yourself at me every chance you get?” I ran my hand up her bare thigh and pushed up her dress, making her breath hitch. “I would almost believe your only reason is to get River and Eli riled up. But I have a feeling you enjoyed me finger fucking you so much you want it to happen again. Even without the motive of trying to piss someone off.”
Her jaw was clenched tight, and her eyes were bright with anger, but she didn’t stop my fingers as they slipped under her panties. My dick twitched when I rubbed her clit, and I forced myself to move slowly. She wasn’t about to control this time like she did the last. After a few moments, I pulled my hand away, and she tugged her dress back down.
“Here.” I pulled my house keys from my pocket and handed them to her. “You want me to finish this, then meet me at my house. My parents will be gone. I’ll be there after I deal with them in the study.”
She tilted her head to the side, not looking convinced. “I thought you promised Eli you wouldn’t touch me again.”
“If you’re in my room when I get there, then I’ll give you what you want.” Placing my knuckles under her chin, I raised her head. “But this is your only warning. We’re doing it my way this time.”
“You better go before your dad comes looking for you.” Her face gave nothing away, and I figured there was half a chance I’d see her later.
I chuckled. “See you later, Bell.”
“What’s with the nickname?” she shot back with a frown.