Page 51 of Buried Betrayal
My gaze shot back to him. “About what?”
“The fact that West is going behind your back to sleep with the girl you two can’t stand.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” I ground out, refusing to let River get between us.
He arched an eyebrow. “I think you’re jealous.”
“I am not jealous,” I snarled. I was feeling some type of way, but it most certainly wasn’t fucking jealousy. The pit growing in my stomach was only because I was pissed at West.
“If you say so.” River shrugged, moving toward the door. “See you guys at practice tomorrow.”
I slammed my hand into his chest as he passed me. His gaze went from my hand to my face as his jaw flexed.
“If you put your gun on West again, I’ll use my own on you,” I threatened, my voice full of warning. “And I won’t just shoot you in the fucking shoulder.”
He chuckled. “You think you can take me? Gun or no gun, you have no idea what I’m capable of.”
“Learned some things while you were in Detroit?” I questioned as his shoulders tensed, like he wasn’t happy that I’d found out where he’d been all this time.
“Eli has something you don’t,” West spoke up. “Me at his back. You better watch yours, River. We might not be able to do much now, but that will all change next year.”
“And leave you pricks to run this city?” River knocked my hand off his chest. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“Be at the Blue Lounge tomorrow night at eight,” I ordered gruffly, ending the conversation. “We have to do something, and my dad is insisting you come with us.”
“Town business?”
I nodded. “Don’t be late.”
“Is Kat coming?” he asked as he stepped out of the room.
West scoffed. “Why? So you can find another way to destroy her?”
River opened his mouth and then closed it before shaking his head. He ran a hand over his lip, wiping away the fresh blood from West’s punch. Like mine, his face still bared the evidence from our fight the other night. I wasn’t sure how I was going to explain when we both had to show up for basketball practice tomorrow.
Still fucking worth it.
Without another word, River bounded down the hall before his footsteps echoed on the marble steps. Shutting the door, I focused on West, who was doing anything to avoid my stare. He hastily untied the rope and strode to the dresser, shoving it in the drawer before grabbing a shirt and slipping it on. Finally, he turned around and met my eyes while rubbing the back of his neck.
“Let me start off by saying that I was going to tell you,” he stated sheepishly. “Before she blurted it out again.”
“She’s getting to you,” I told him as I leaned against the door.
“No, she’s not. I was only getting her back for what she pulled last time.”
“We’ve never had secrets, West. Especially ones concerning a girl.”
Silence stretched across the room, both of us knowing she was different from any other girl we’d been with. She was a part of our world. All of our pasts were intertwined to create a future that promised we’d never get away from each other.
“No secrets,” West promised. “Especially when it comes to her. There are no feelings, Eli.”
“So, you got her out of your system, then?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
I scoffed in disbelief, catching his lie the second it was out of his mouth. If he was trying to hide it, he was doing a shit job.
“Fuck,” he groaned, running a hand down his face. “I figured once I did this, I’d get her out of my damn head.”