Page 84 of Buried Betrayal
“What do you want?” Eli asked. “Or did you just call to bitch at us?”
“Did you tell her everything else?”
River’s curious gaze darted between Eli and me, wondering what Noah meant. Keeping my face blank, I stared back at him. If he hadn’t left all those years ago, he would know what was happening. His own fucking fault.
“No,” Eli answered gruffly, glancing at me. “But we didn’t do it for you.”
I wondered how long it would take for Kat to find out. Or if she’d find out. Richard had made it crystal clear. If we told her, we’d all be in deep shit. Including her. And if she found out we knew about this, her anger would be worse than when we’d first dragged her back home.
“If I find out you’re messing with her—”
“And what are you going to do about it?” Eli cut him off. “You have nothing anymore, Noah. No power. No say in anything. And your asshole of a father is following down that path the closer we get to graduation.”
“He’s the head of the Whitman family,” Noah hissed.
“For now,” I spoke up. “But he better behave when it comes to Kat, or it’s you who’s going to pay for it.”
“You’re threatening me? You don’t think you two have done enough to fuck with my life?”
“It’s not up to us. It’s up to how your father acts. As long as he stays in line, then you have nothing to worry about,” Eli told him.
“You can’t threaten him.”
“But we can. And we did,” River sang out, his eyes going cold. “He tried drugging Kat. You think we’d sit by and let that happen?”
“He wouldn’t do that—”
“Stop living in the clouds,” I snapped. “William’s a power-hungry bastard, and he’s never hidden how much he hates Kat.”
“Keep the past out of your mouths when you talk to her,” Noah hissed before hanging up.
Eli slid his phone into his pocket as River stared at him. “You two wouldn’t want to tell me what the hell he meant, would you?”
“Nope,” I answered, rounding the car to get into the passenger seat.
“Fine. I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually.” River headed away as Eli started the car.
“I know she loves Noah, but I don’t think she has any idea who he really is after being gone this long,” I said as we drove toward the Estate.
“It doesn’t matter,” Eli replied tightly. “He’s her little brother, and you know how protective she was of him when we were kids. She’ll always be there for him.”
Eli was right. Noah was the one person Kat loved most. He was the reason her strength grew instead of wilted when William began tearing her down. She’d do anything for him.
“Let’s get this meeting out of the way.” Eli changed the subject. “Then find out why Kat took your keys.”
I sighed. “She’s not going to tell us.”
“We’re not going to ask. We’ll do our own digging.”
“Maybe now that she knows we didn’t purposely hurt Noah, things will be different.” I glanced at him. “Because I’m honestly shocked she didn’t leave a mark on you when you two were wrestling on that stage.”
“She could have,” he agreed. “She’s strong. Much stronger than she let on when she first came home. Whoever taught her knew what they were doing.”
The image of her with that dress riding up her hips, showing me how wet she was from what Eli had done to her, had been on my mind all week. I never expected to walk in and see that. And I sure as fuck didn’t think I’d find it so hot. If Kat hadn’t been so pissed that Eli had a way out of the cuffs, I would have pushed my luck on getting a taste of her again. One night with her had not been enough.
“I bet Noah will still try to play this out to look like the victim,” Eli muttered, pulling me from my thoughts. “Next time Kat talks to him, he’ll probably have a brand-new lie to make it look like he wasn’t the one who fucked up.”
I shrugged. “Not much we can do about that.”