Page 91 of Buried Betrayal
“Why’d you come home?” West asked in a low voice. “Why now?”
“My mom made me come back. It had always been the plan.”
“Why’d you join the gang?”
I paused at Eli’s question. “I got in over my head.”
“From what?”
Shaking my head, I strode between them, heading for the door. Eli grabbed my arm, and I glanced at him.
“That’s all I’m telling you.” I shook him off me. “You want to beat it out of me, go ahead and try. You still won’t get the answer you want.”
Eli traded a look with West before moving out of my way. My eyes went to my weapon in his hand. “Can I have my gun back now?”
“No,” Eli said. “I think I’ll keep it.”
I forced out a grin. “Enjoy. I have more. But that one is my favorite.”
“Stay away from Kat,” West warned, making me freeze.
I frowned, my gaze going to his. “What?”
“Whatever you’re involved in, she doesn’t need to be a part of it. Stay away from her,” Eli told me, his eyes flashing dangerously.
They could fuck right off with that. But I stayed quiet, deciding I wanted to leave this room without any more bruises. Ripping the door open, I glanced down the hall before stepping out of the room.
“We’ll find out what else you’re not telling us,” West promised as I walked toward the stairs.
I was sure they would. But not right now. A couple of my teammates did a double take at my face as I stormed to the front door, though none of them said a word. I stepped onto the porch, and a shiver rolled through me at the frigid air. I hadn’t even grabbed a hoodie, and it was cold enough out here to see my breath. I didn’t care, needing to get the hell out of that house.
I rubbed my hands together to get some warmth as I turned down another street. The campus bar was only a ten-minute walk, and I didn’t give a shit what I looked like. I needed to down some drinks to get out of my head for a while. My thoughts swirled with everything.
I wondered if Eli and West would tell Richard. I didn’t know how the families would take me being in a gang, but I was sure it wouldn’t be good. Especially since it was the same gang that had almost killed Eli and West six years ago. The Reapers were feared across Detroit, and with good reason. They were just as deadly as Cole’s gang.
It wasn’t like I had a choice. Leaving Braidwood to live a cutthroat life was not my idea of a good time. I’d seen and done things that left scars embedded in my mind every time I closed my eyes.
I skidded to a halt across the street from the bar when I saw Kat climbing out of a taxi with a couple of her teammates. She was laughing, even though her smile didn’t reach her eyes. The talk in Richard’s office was still on her mind. It seemed we both reached for fun when our troubles were near.
Making a quick decision, I raced across the street, trying to reach her before she made it to the entrance. I wasn’t in the best mindset to talk to her, but it was going to happen anyway. I’d been wanting to have this conversation with her for weeks now. And it was damn near impossible to get her alone without West or Eli barging in.
Even if she screamed at me, spending time with her would be better than any drink anyway.
“I’m not doingthat shot again.” I laughed as Bri tugged me to the door. “Once was enough.”
“Oh, come on,” she pressed. “Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy what River Ward did. That was hot.”
I kept the smile on my face as my stomach flipped. “You don’t know him like I do.”
“Oh yeah,” she muttered, studying me. “Sometimes I forget you guys grew up together.”
“It’s your turn to do the shot anyway,” I told her, changing the subject. “Let’s get out of the cold.”
An arm draped over my shoulder. “I’ll keep you warm, Kit-Kat.”
I went rigid before trying to duck out of River’s hold, but he had me locked against him. Twisting my neck, I glared at him until I saw his face. My mouth fell open at the blossoming bruises covering the side of his face.