Page 93 of Buried Betrayal
“I told my mom what he was doing. The same day I informed William of what you planned,” he said, his frown deepening as he glanced down the dark street. “I’m sure the families weren’t kind to him when they found out.”
“Did you do all that before or after you slept with me?”
I stood perfectly still when his hand left my arm and he moved to tuck my hair behind my ear. The gentle touch was bringing back stirring feelings I vowed he’d never draw out of me again.
“I never wanted to hurt you. You wanted it—wanted me—and I was an asshole who couldn’t say no. Even though I knew you’d hate me after,” he said softly. “And I had no fucking idea William sent you to a reform school for your senior year. He’ll pay for that, Kat.”
“I don’t need your help for my revenge,” I forced out, knocking his hand away. “I am perfectly capable of doing it myself. I don’t need anyone’s help in this town. You’ve all done enough.”
River’s focus went to the street again, and I followed his gaze, not seeing anything.
“Why’d you do it?” I asked, needing to know. “If you didn’t want to hurt me, then why did you?”
His eyes found mine, but he seemed distracted. “I can’t tell you. Not now.”
I let out a harsh laugh. “Your apology means nothing when you can’t tell me—”
“Do you have your phone?” he interrupted quietly.
I frowned. “No. I left it at my house because I didn’t feel like dealing with anyone.”
He dropped his voice to a whisper as he crowded me against the wall. “I need you to reach into my pocket and pull my phone out. Without being noticeable.”
I raised my eyebrow. “What? Why?”
“There are people at the end of the street, and it’s either Eli and West or someone else. If it’s someone else, then I need to get you out of here.” He grabbed my chin when I tried turning my head. “Keep looking at me. Take my phone out. I need you to text Eli.”
“What are you talking about?” I muttered quietly. “What’s going on, River?”
“My past has been trying to catch up with me, and I have a feeling Cole is getting impatient,” he mumbled. “I didn’t think he’d try something in Braidwood.”
“Who’s Cole?”
“Someone you don’t ever need to meet. Grab my phone, Kat.”
He angled himself where I was half-hidden between him and the wall. Slipping his phone out, I typed in his password as he rattled it off. My fingers were nearly numb from the cold, and the adrenaline pulsing through my body was making my hands shake. I pulled up Eli’s name to text.
“Make sure you say it’s you, or he won’t respond,” River instructed in a hushed voice. “Tell him where we are, and that you need help. That you’re going to call him so he can hear what’s going on, but he needs to stay silent.”
I quickly typed it all out and sent the message before looking back at River. His face was a hard mask, and I could see he was trying to figure out what to do next. I peeked down the street again as I pressed the call button.
“I don’t think there’s anyone there,” I said. “Let’s just go inside the bar.”
“I promise someone is there. More than one person. You’re going to walk the other way while I talk to them.”
Reaching behind me, I jerked on the back door of the bar in hopes it wasn’t locked. I wasn’t that lucky. Looking at the phone, I saw Eli had answered, and I put it on speaker, like River wanted. Not a sound came through the phone, but the call was still connected.
“I’m not leaving you here,” I told him, grabbing his arm.
He gave me a small smile. “Is this you showing that you still care?”
I hesitated. “I don’t want to see you get hurt. Not like this.”
“I’ll be fine.” His attempt at lying was weak, even to my ears.
“What about your gun—”
“Don’t have it,” he grumbled, his gaze darting to the phone in my hand. “Some asshole stole it.”