Page 96 of Buried Betrayal
The girl glanced down at Trevor’s hand that was on her arm. She tilted her head to the side and a deviously sweet smile lit up her face. Suddenly I was as uneasy as River. The tension between us and girls was thick as she leaned closer to Trevor, twisting his long blond hair through her fingers.
“Don’t be here when I get done,” she told him, her voice going from sweet to dangerous in a split second.
“Done doing what?” Trevor pulled her back when she tried walking away.
In quick move, she smashed her fist against his cheek. “When I’m done fighting.”
My jaw dropped in shock as I watched the girls spin around and head toward the ring. The one who punched Trevor jumped into the ring like she owned it, while her friend glanced back at us with a frown on her face.
“Fucking bitch,” Trevor spat out, wiping blood from his lip.
Eddie shook his head. “I told you to leave her alone. You know who she is.”
“Just because she can fight doesn’t mean she’s better than us.” Trevor glared at the girl. “Cole has tried to get her on his payroll twice and she wants nothing to do with him.”
“She in a different gang?” Eli asked.
“No,” Eddie answered. “She doesn’t want anything to do with gangs. Although her choice of friends says differently.”
“Let’s just leave,” River said quietly, trying to keep panic out of his voice. “They’re going to get us in trouble, and then we’ll have to deal with Richard when we get home.”
“What’s up with you?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “We’re fine. We didn’t touch the girl. And we can’t leave even if we wanted to. They drove us here, and we have no idea where the fuck we are.”
“I don’t think you and Eli understand where we are,” River snapped, his eyes going back to the ring. “This is the type of place where people get shot for saying the wrong thing. We don’t know anyone here. We should go.”
“We aren’t going to say anything,” Eli interjected, though he looked tempted to agree. “We’ll watch the fight and tell Eddie we need to go back.”
“Is everyone ready for the next fight?” Someone announced over the microphone. “Let’s welcome back…Nightshade.”
The girl’s lips lifted in a half smile as the warehouse erupted in cheers for her. Trevor glared at her, his eyes darkening as he touched his swollen lip. The fight started, and the girl they called Nightshade didn’t waste a moment gaining the lead. Every punch and kick she threw met its target on her opponent. It was a short fight and soon she was being called the victor.
“Come on, let’s get some drinks,” Trevor said, waiting for us to follow him.
River spoke up. “We’ll wait here.”
Eddie looked nervous but didn’t say anything as Trevor snaked his arm around Eli’s shoulders. “That won’t work. We can’t go back to Cole and tell them we lost you, can we? You guys need to stay near us.”
Trevor tugged Eli with him, and River and I exchanged a look before rushing to catch up. My pulse sped up, realizing something wasn’t right. Eddie was tense as he walked beside us to the back of the warehouse.
“Let’s get Eli and go,” River told me under his breath. “I don’t care if we have to walk back.”
I nodded, agreeing with him this time. Trevor seemed to want to stir up trouble and we didn’t need to be a part of that. Trevor passed the alcohol counter and stopped near a door labeledlocker room.Eli pulled away from Trevor, trying to rein in his anger at being pulled through the warehouse. His jaw was clenched as he strode next to me.
“We’re going to go,” River said loudly.
Trevor looked amused. “Sure, we’ll leave. Right after I have a word with someone.”
My gut twisted. “Listen, we don’t want to be part of any trouble—”
“I need to show that no one gets away with hitting me,” Trevor cut me off, his eyes flashing in annoyance. “You have a problem with that?”
“No,” River answered, trying to deescalate the situation before it started. “But we want nothing to do with it.”
“Didn’t I tell you to be a gone by the time I was done?” a voice drawled from behind me.
We turned to see the girl staring at us, a blank expression on her face. Her blue-haired friend stood next to her. Neither looked scared or worried, even when Trevor pushed past us, getting in their personal space. Eddie stayed back, not intervening.
“You should know you can’t get away with touching someone in the Ghosts,” Trevor snarled, pulling out a knife.