Page 118 of Fierce-Ivan
“Which ended up having to do with my relationship, I’m sure,” he said.
Aunt Jolene shrugged. “Ivan. You’re not a woman. You’re not someone that has had to deal with too many harsh things in life. Harsh realities. None of your generation has. Your mother and Uncle Connor and I. We know what it’s like to have a hard life. To not have much except those in the same house each night. We stick together and always will.”
He knew his mother had grown up poor. The whole family had. Aunt Jolene left the house when she was eighteen to be one less mouth to feed and still helped her siblings out through college to get them on their feet.
Looking back, as annoying as his aunt could be, her heart was always in the right place. She was helping the family out and most times went without herself to do it.
It wasn’t just his generation that had her to thank for things, but her own.
“Which is what Kendra and her mother will always do,” he said. “I know that. I’m trying to accept it. Ihaveaccepted it.”
“That doesn’t mean Kendra won’t move out on her own,” Devin said. “Didn’t you say Karen is very self-sufficient?”
“She is,” he said. “I see it. Karen tells Kendra all the time. I think we were finally getting to a comfortable place where Kendra felt like she could be away and then this happened. I know what is going through her mind. That this could have been her mother that fell down the stairs.”
“It could be me or either of you two. Not having good sight doesn’t have to be the thing that causes someone to trip. Matter of fact, I’d be willing to bet Karen is less likely because she’s more aware and cautious than us. She probably is for all aspects of her life.”
“I think so,” he said. “But try telling Kendra that.”
“I believe she might have figured it out on her own,” Aunt Jolene said.
It was the look on his aunt’s face. “With a little bit of your help?”
“I’ll never say. You should go talk to her. Hear her out, but don’t let her off the hook either.”
“She asked for space,” he said. “I’m smart enough to know and give it to her.”
“That’s right,” Devin said. “Not everyone has to rush like you want us to.”
“Boys,” Aunt Jolene said, shaking her head. “You just don’t get it.”
“What don’t I get?” he asked.
“Kendra’s trust in men is shaky. You know it, I know it. She knows what a great guy you are, Ivan. What all the men in our family are. Letting her have her space is nice and all, but being there when she needs you the most without having to wait for her to ask is the best way for actions to prove it.”
His aunt turned and left on those parting words.
“What do you think?” Ivan asked his brother.
“I think she might be right, but you’ve got to do whatyouthink is right. You know Kendra better than we do.”
“Sometimes I’m not so sure.”
Rules And Guidelines
The next morning, bright and early, Ivan pulled into Kendra’s driveway.
It was hard to believe in his eyes that just one week ago they’d been at his Aunt’s house for the holiday party. His brother had announced he was going to be a father to everyone. He’d returned from a great vacation with Kendra.
He thought life couldn’t get any better. That it was only up from there. The sky was the limit and Kendra was on his back while they rode the rocket upward.
Then she got the call on Wednesday and everything he’d been working toward crashed and burned in his face.
Last night he realized that he was the wrong one.
He was planning this out.