Page 121 of Fierce-Ivan
There were times she didn’t want to return home, but then reminded herself he hadn’t asked for her to move in.
They were making it work and had been together for over a year now.
Jolene was still on their case about when they’d take the next step and she was wondering herself.
“I do love it,” he said. “Just like I love you. Do you have something red and sexy for the bedroom tonight?” he asked.
“Maybe,” she said. “Why don’t you go change and I’ll get dinner on the table.”
He kissed her on the lips and then went upstairs to change while she set the table.
“I’ve got your gift,” he said when he came back downstairs.
“I thought we said no gifts,” she argued.
“I’m sure you got me something,” he said, laughing.
“I did. Nothing major. It’s such a waste to spend money on things for this holiday. It’s not even a holiday.”
“I know. But it’s romantic too,” he said.
He handed over the little gift bag. At least it wasn’t that big of a gift.
She pulled the tissue paper out and there was a small teddy bear in there. “Aww,” she said, holding it close to her chest. “I’ve never gotten a teddy bear from a guy before.”
He smiled. “I figured. Last year was your first Valentine’s Day dating someone. I thought you could get a bear this year.” He pulled the bear out of her hands and she watched as he unzipped the back and produced a ring box, then got down on his knee. “And you could get it from your fiancé. At least I hope you say yes.”
Her jaw dropped and he flipped the lid to show a beautiful heart-shaped diamond with two rubies on each side of it. “Wow. That’s too much.”
He laughed. “No, it’s not. First off, Kendra, will you marry me?”
“Yes,” she said excitedly, pulling him up and hugging him.
He pulled the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger. “Perfect fit.”
“You’d have it no other way,” she said, looking down at the stones. “Seriously, Ivan. I know you spent too much on this. It’s just a ring.”
He laughed. “It’s a symbol of my love for you. My heart, your heart. I had to give you a heart. The rubies are because you need color in your life. Or at least you used to need it, but you’ve gotten better about things.”
She grinned. “I have. I’m a good bargain shopper.”
“And when I’m ready to buy things, I get the best. After I do my research to make sure I get my money’s worth.”
“That’s the man I know and love.”
“Now maybe my aunt will get off our case,” he said.
“She was so mad you didn’t propose at Christmas. Ella told me she never shut up about it all day.”
He tugged at a lock of her hair. “I had the ring being made at that time and was thinking about doing it on New Year’s, but my aunt was driving me nuts and because she was expecting it, I figured, nope. It had to be right for us. This seemed to be the date.”
“And you wanted to torture your aunt,” she said.
“Maybe just a little,” he said.
“This was perfect. So perfect,” she said.
“We’ve got time,” he said. “But I’d love for you to move in when you’re ready. You can rent your apartment out rather than it sitting empty half the time.”