Page 15 of Fierce-Ivan
Cade shivered and he laughed. “So true. I do it though. I’m getting better. Ask Alex.”
“You are,” Ella said. “Are you here to see Kendra, Ivan?”
“I am. Is she in her office? She knows I’m coming.”
“She’s in the conference room. We just left from a team meeting. I’m sure she’ll be in her office soon. Oh, here she comes.”
He looked up and saw Kendra turn the corner. She had on brown pants this time, a navy sweater and brown shoes. Her long brown hair was pulled back and her black glasses were on her face like always.
It was almost funny seeing her next to Ella who was in a purple and blue printed dress that hugged her growing baby bump. Ella was always the most fashionable of the family. Next to Cade.
“Hi, Ivan. Sorry if I’m late.”
“You’re not,” he said. “I’m early. Take your time.” He turned to Ella. “Can I get on your wifi?”
“I’ll set you up if you want to come into my office.”
They followed Ella in and saw Travis sitting in the corner at a desk typing into the computer attached to the monitors that controlled all the cameras in the building. “Ignore me,” Travis said. “I just got done switching up the cameras in the restaurant and I’m checking them.”
Ivan knew there was a high level of security for all of the Fierce properties as they’d had trouble in the past. They protected what was theirs.
He handed his laptop over to Ella knowing that she wouldn’t give him the wifi password. No one would know it but immediate family. If people wanted to get on the internet, they used a guest password, but he was guessing they wouldn’t want him on it with the information he was working with.
Again, they never took any chances.
He typed his password in for her and she did what she needed and then handed it back. “You’re set to connect once you come into the building now.”
“Thanks,” he said.
He turned when he heard the knock at the door and saw it was Kendra. “I’m ready if you are.”
“Yep.” He walked out and went into the office next door. She was seated at the table in the corner so he moved there.
“I got everything you sent me,” she said. “I printed it out. Here is a copy for both of us. Not sure if you wanted it in front of you to write on or take notes on your computer. I put a few questions on these for us though.”
“That works,” he said. He could smell something citrus sitting this close to her. He didn’t picture her the type to wear perfume so he wondered if it was lotion or shampoo.
He reached for the papers and started to flip through the comments she’d made and her questions.
“I’ve got the file you sent me too. I did take some liberties and plug in the costs of some things you were asking me. I didn’t mess with your program or anything.”
“Not a problem,” he said. “I’ve got the original. Not much you can do to it that can’t be fixed.”
She smiled when he looked up. “Some people get a little territorial when it comes to their work.”
“This is more your work than mine. Or your job. I’m helping out as needed.”
“Which I know Ella appreciates. Me too. Can I confess I’m learning from what you do too?”
“Really?” he asked.
“Yeah. I’m more of a jack-of-all-trades. I can do a lot of things well, but I’m not specialized. I consider myself pretty advanced in using spreadsheets, but what you do just blows my mind. I’m still trying to figure it out but look in your cells for formulas.”
“Anytime you’ve got questions or need help just ask. I’ve been doing these things for years now so it’s second nature, but when I was first figuring it out, I can’t tell you the amount of time it took getting it just right. I’m to the point now where I can plug in a lot of data and get the outcomes and know they will be right.”
“That is where I want to be,” she said. She lowered her voice. “I know I’m going to come off sounding like a nerd, but it’s so much more efficient to work that way. Some of the girls here won’t take the time to set it up, saying it’s too much work and faster to do it the way they’ve been. They can’t seem to understand that a little more time now will save them that time in the long run.”
“Exactly,” he said. “It’s nice to see someone who agrees with me.”