Page 44 of Fierce-Ivan
Deep down, she wondered if by being home, there wouldn’t be that awkwardness of when to leave or if she should stay. She didn’t think men stressed about that as much as a woman.
Ivan wouldn’t stay. He had to go to work tomorrow and he didn’t have clothes.
The same could have been said if she went to his place tonight, but this was easier in her mind.
“I know we both have to work tomorrow,” she said. She’d seen the look in his eyes when she’d made her statement about him staying for a bit. He knew what she was talking about but wouldn’t come out and say it.
Maybe that was why she felt so comfortable around him. He didn’t push or pressure her like other men had in the past.
It’s not that she didn’t like to date. Or that she was afraid of men or anything like that.
Most of it was a trust issue.
She didn’t have the best example of men in her life.
Namely her father.
He left when the going got tough. It was hard to get that out of her head.
Did she think all men were like that? No, she didn’t.
But she hadn’t experienced it once yet.
Too many men she’d dated didn’t stick around because of her mother. Or more like they didn’t care for the time she put in with her mother. Or the fact that she wasn’t going to leave her mother alone anytime soon.
Ivan might not like that either, but he knew the situation and it didn’t seem to bother him.
Best to let it play out before she got herself worked up about it.
“We do,” he said. “It’s early yet and it’s not like I live that far.”
She’d cut their sandwiches in half and they each took a section and then started to eat. “I know. Not everyone likes to do things during the week. I don’t normally.”
He laughed at her. “It seems I come across as that way to most people too.”
“How is that?” she asked.
“I left work on time today. Must be alarming for some and it was pointed out to me by one of my employees. I didn’t think I was watched that closely and she grinned to say I am.”
“She?” she asked.
“Cynthia. We’ve worked together for a few years. There isn’t anything going on.”
Great. Now he would think she was jealous.
Maybe she was and didn’t realize it. Someone like him shouldn’t be single in her eyes.
“I didn’t think that. I was only asking.”
“I don’t navigate women well,” he said. “Or so I’ve been told.”
That was a first. She wanted to ask what it meant but then told herself to do it another time. She had it in her head they were going to have sex and didn’t want to back down.
If she knew something negative about him, she might chicken out and regret that.
There couldn’t be anything that negative about him that would turn her off if she thought of it. But she’d worked up the courage for this dinner and wanted the night to play out the way she planned since it wasn’t easy for her to take the first step for much in life.
“Everyone could be told that in their life. I don’t think I navigate men or women well. I don’t get close enough for that.”