Page 57 of Fierce-Ivan
“See, don’t give me a hard time then.”
She put her hands on his chest, ran her fingers up the front of his shirt. “I want to give you a hard time.”
He felt the blood rush to his dick fast. “Are you going to give me a hint as to this gift you bought?”
“It’s red too,” she said.
“Is it in your bag of clothes?” he asked, his eyes going to the bag she’d set down on the counter when she came in.
“No,” she said, leaning closer and whispering against his lips. “I’m wearing it now. I’ve been wearing it all day thinking about you and showing it to you.”
“Shit,” he said, his hands going under her red sweater and lifting it. “Damn. Red is the name of the game today.”
He pulled the sweater over her head, her hair lifting and falling back across her back and some over her chest. He brushed the few strands away from the black lace that was outlining her red bra.
“It’s a matching set.”
“You’re killing me,” he said. “Not sure I can make it upstairs.”
“No reason to go upstairs,” she said. “There are lots of places down here.”
“There are,” he said. “But the condoms are upstairs.”
“Would you be okay if I told you I’m on birth control? Not the pill. I got the first shot in my arm a little over a month ago. It lasts three months. I’m completely covered. But it’s your choice. I never liked the pill, but this was a no brainer and it was more for a backup. I’m not ready for kids or accidents or anything.”
“I’m good with it if you are. I’ve always been protected. Same here on the kid situation. At least right now.”
He knew he’d have kids at some point, but he wanted to be married and financially stable for that time. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for either.
Yeah, he planned things out too much, he knew, but it’s how he was.
“Then the kitchen it is,” she said, laughing.
“What?” he asked.
Her mouth landed on his. “We’re going to have sex in the kitchen. I’ve never done that. How about a bunch of firsts?”
He wasn’t sure if he’d ever had sex in the kitchen before either but knew in his mind he was done talking.
“I need to see the second half of this set,” he said, undoing her pants and pushing them down.
Yep, there was red lace again with black around the waist and legs. It was barely covering her.
He spun her around to look at the back, her ass covered, but not by much. A big gush of air could easily move it out of the way.
He picked her up and set her on the island, then spread her legs wide and crouched down.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“We eat at the island. That’s what I’m going to do.”
“I didn’t mean that,” she said. “Your counter will get dirty.”
He laughed at her. “That is what cleaner is for.”
He started to kiss her inner thighs, his tongue sliding up to her covered heat, then down to her knee and going back up on the other side.
Her hands were gripping the edge of the counter, her legs twitching a bit. “It tickles,” she said.