Page 59 of Fierce-Ivan
“I slept great,” she said. “When I actually slept. We didn’t let the other do much of it though. I’m thinking that maybe the first time we spent the night together shouldn’t have been when we had to go to work the next day.”
It seemed as if they couldn’t get enough of each other last night. The minute one of them fell asleep, the other was waking up and reaching for more skin and contact.
Cuddling turned into something else and she wasn’t sure her body had the ability to have that much sex in one night before.
As much fun as it was, she didn’t think she wanted to try it again any time soon, as she was still slightly sore in more than one place.
“I will admit I’m a little tired too.”
“At least I don’t feel like a total wuss,” she said. “It was close there for a second.”
He slid the plate of eggs in front of her. “Not a wuss,” he said. “And I’m glad you spent the night. I hope you will again.”
“I want to,” she said. “I will. I promise.”
“Your mother was okay on her own, right?” he asked.
She’d texted her mother last night before they went to bed and then again a few minutes ago. Her mother had told her she was fine and going about her day like she did every day.
Kendra had to remember it wasn’t as if she texted her mother goodnight when she was in her apartment upstairs. Nor did she talk to her each morning before she left either.
Her mother was always fine and she had to get used to this.
But after so many years of taking care of her, she was starting to wonder if this was what it felt like when a child left the house for the first time.
“She was. She reminded me she is a big girl and never has issues even when I’m there. It’s no different and she didn’t think anything of me not being under the same roof.”
“I’m sure she didn’t,” he said. “It’s got to be hard. What the two of you went through when your father left.”
“It is. I know I need to let go. But it’s not easy.”
“Tell me about it,” he said.
“We don’t have that much time,” she said.
“Enough time,” he said. “We both got up early because we weren’t sure how long it’d take to get ready.”
Like the practical people they were, they talked about when they needed to leave for work and how much time it would take, who would get in the shower first.
Boring, she knew. But it worked for them.
They didn’t stick to it though. Both of them up and fooling around before the alarm went off, then they showered together and since he had a nice big vanity, she was able to do her hair and makeup while he got ready too.
There was no need to plan around it. They would know for the next time.
And she wanted there to be a next time.
Which meant she had to get a grip on her emotions about leaving her mother overnight.
At least things went well last night.
“You wanted me to tell you about my father. Not a lot to say that I haven’t already. My father is an asshole.”
He laughed. “Do you know you never swear unless his name comes up? When was the last time you talked to him?”
“No clue,” she said. “Years. I had to see him when I was younger, but then once I went to college I didn’t. Most times before college I was working on the weekends anyway and couldn’t see him. He didn’t care all that much. Or at least he acted it. He had his friends and did his own thing like he did when my parents were married. He didn’t want to care for my mother and in my eyes that meant for me too.”
“Did he say those things?” he asked.