Page 89 of Fierce-Ivan
“Come in,” Shay said, then almost pushed her out of the way. And she thought Shay wasn’t like her sister Jolene. Guess she was wrong. “I’m Ivan’s mother and I’ve heard such wonderful things about you.”
“Mom,” Ivan said. “You don’t need to strangle Karen’s arm. She isn’t a cripple and she can walk without being guided.”
“I can if there are no steps or dropdowns that you need to warn me about,” Karen said.
“No,” Shay said. “I’m so sorry. Ivan explained that you can see shapes in front of you.”
“I can. I promise not to try to use a fork to eat soup though,” Karen said.
Kendra laughed again and was happy her mother was cracking jokes, which was her norm.
The two of them had come a long way and she had to remind herself of that repeatedly, but she was getting there.
Several hours later, they were dropping her mother back off home and Kendra was jumping into Ivan’s car. “Are you sure your mother doesn’t want to go to my aunt’s?”
“No way,” she said. “Too many people. She was so nervous about today at your parents’ but your mother was wonderful. You all were.”
“As I’ve said before, your mother isn’t disabled. I think you need to remember that more than anyone else.”
She sighed. “I think you’re right.”
“Your mother is good at relaxing people around her. Has she always been that way?”
“No,” she said. “It’s taken years for her to be that way. But in the beginning I told you how hard it was. My father left and we had two major adjustments in our life at the same time.”
“And you both thrived. I know you know everyone that will be here. Or most. People kind of pop in and out.”
“I don’t know your Aunt Lynn and Uncle Connor or your cousin Faith.”
“Oh,” he said. “I didn’t think of that. Still, you know everyone else and know them well. You’re not nervous like your mother was, are you?”
“Not for that reason,” she said, dipping her head down.
He turned to look at her in the car. “For what reason?”
“This is my first big holiday gathering with your family. I’m not sure what to expect.”
“Noise,” he said. “Lots and lots of noise.”
“Kendra,” Jolene said to her, almost rushing her like Shay had her mother. “We are so glad you are here.”
“Thank you for inviting me,” she said.
She saw Ella over in the corner feeding Landon. She’d seen Landon twice already when Ella had come in to show her son off and check in on work. She was quickly taken out by Travis and she’d found that funny, but sweet at the same time.
Ella waved and winked at her. Cade moved out the way as Brody’s and Aiden’s sons ran by, followed by Mason’s twins. She was glad she’d met most of the kids at one point or another in the office.
“Welcome to chaos,” Aimee said. “But you are used to it.”
“She works with Cade in the office,” Alex said. “She can handle just about anything.”
Kendra grinned. Everyone was packed into the open area. The living room and dining room, the kids moving in and out, some in the kitchen.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked Jolene.
“Nope,” Jolene said. “Aiden is in the kitchen with Nic, Margo and Liam. That’s the good thing about holidays now. I don’t have to do much.”
“Because we don’t want burned food,” Gavin said, moving closer and kissing his wife on the cheek. “Jolene, let Kendra into the living room, please. No need to quiz her. She is here. Your work is done.”