Page 26 of Irreplaceable
“One second.” She turned from him and his crazy-sexy outfit. Taking a picture of her dress for tomorrow, she sent a text about it to Ruth, then grabbed her purse and phone. She was ready to go.
Rafferty had followed her into her room and was looking at the dress. “You’re going to look gorgeous in that. Are you sure you’re not getting married?”
“Nobody gets married in lavender, Rafferty.” She rolled her eyes at the mere thought.
Turning from the dress to her as she looked through her purse to make sure she had everything, he said, “How about we stay here, and I can see what you look like in the dress. Then we’ll see what you look like when I peel it off you tomorrow after a few toasts to the happy couple.”
Her eyes snapped up to his, and she saw him looking her up and down with desire. Was she seriously still drunk? Because she wanted to say yes? Yes, please. But instead, she stammered out, “N-no, thank you.”
Slowly, he walked over to her, not breaking eye contact. His blue eyes were boring into hers until he was inches from her. Unable to tear herself away, she watched as he lowered his head, but not to kiss her, to whisper in her ear. “Liar.”
His breath on her ear made her shiver. How could he read her mind again?
The sensible part of her mind finally took over and pushed him away. Surprisingly, he went willingly. Because if he had pushed it, she would definitely have given in. No way could she say no to sober sex with Rafferty Brooks in Vegas. Maybe she should see if she was missing out by always being drunk.
The sun was streaminginto the bedroom, making Rafferty realize he hadn’t closed the curtains before he went to bed. Looking across the room at them, he wondered when had he gotten such tacky curtains? When had he gotten curtains at all?
His window looked out at the wall of his neighbor’s house, which was so close, he didn’t need curtains. Rolling onto his back, he wondered how much he had drunk last night. Too much was the obvious answer.
Wait, his mind finally caught up with him, he was in Vegas with Ruth and Anderson and, of course, sexy Mia. The last thing he remembered was Mia drunkenly almost getting hit by a car outside the hotel. The car had stopped just in time, and she started cursing and pounding on the hood until Rafferty dragged her off and back into the hotel.
Smiling at the cute, angry Mia Lawson, turning her anger on him until he stopped her with a kiss. The memory of the steamy kiss made him realize he was naked beneath the thin sheet he had slept under. Turning to see whose hand had just landed on his chest, he knew before his eyes saw the brunette beside him.
There she was, the cutest girl in Landstad. Today, she was even cuter than normal because her brown hair was back. He had been shocked to see it when she climbed into Anderson’s pickup yesterday. She hadn’t had brown hair since he’d moved back years ago, always having a weird color instead.
Sighing, he decided he had better get out of there before she woke up and was mad at him for having drunk sex with her. Except he couldn’t remember the drunk sex at all. Maybe they were too drunk to do anything but sleep.
Gently, he lifted her hand from his chest and was about to put it down next to him when her hazel eyes popped open, and she looked right at him. She was about to say something when she bolted out of the bed and ran into the bathroom, not even able to close the door before she started throwing up last night’s drinks.
Getting up, he put on his boxers then dug through her bag. Taking out a pair of her panties and a T-shirt, he went into the bathroom. No longer was she throwing up. Instead, she was sitting against the wall, knees up with a towel between them and her head resting on it.
Slowly, he slid down the adjacent wall and admitted, “I have no idea what happened last night.”
“Me, neither,” her towel-muffled voice answered quietly.
“What do you remember?” he asked, holding out the clothing to her.
“We saw that show, and I lost all my money at the poker table.” Her head came up, and she grabbed her clothes.
“Poker isn’t your game.” He remembered that.
“The house was against me.” Angrily, she pulled her T-shirt on.
“I remember you almost getting hit by a car.” Picking up the panties she had dropped, he held them to her again.
“I don’t remember that.” Frowning, she grabbed them before shimmying them on.
“Why were we outside?” he asked. They hadn’t left the hotel, even the show had been there.
“What time is it?” she asked.
“I’ll look,” he said, in case she was going to be sick again. Heading out to the main room, he grabbed his phone. It was 2:00 p.m. They still had two hours before the wedding.
She must have been feeling better because she followed him into the bedroom and picked up her phone. “Two.”
“I see that. We have time to get ready.”