Page 107 of Turning the Tide
"Honey," Her voice is sympathetic, almost unrecognizable, "I'm not the one to preach on perfection. Truthfully, I've been far from perfect. Especially when it comes to you."
I stare at her, forgetting to blink, literally shocked. She continues, "I've made a lot of mistakes, Hanna. Too many, really. Your father," she stops, her voice cracking, "I didn't deserve him."
"Mom," I whisper, her pain radiating off of her.
"No, Hanna. Let me finish, your father was one of the greatest men I've ever known." She nudges me with her elbow, "But that doesn't mean he didn't come without his challenges. He infuriated me, he pushed every single one of my buttons, and no matter how many times I did something nasty, he always stood right there in my corner. Even now that he's gone. We weren't perfect, and that is what made our love so strong."
Confused about what she means, I ask, "What do you mean?"
"Your father kept a journal in his desk drawer. One that I didn't know he kept, and it opened my eyes, Hanna. I wish he would've given it to me sooner, not that I would've listened."
"What journal?"
She sighs, "He wrote down everything I ever said to you that made you cry. Every single mess he had to clean up. Messes that I didn't realize were so damaging."
She scoots closer to me on the couch, brushing my hair out of my face, "I never should've said those things. I shouldn't have let my love for pleasing strangers overpower my love for you. The truth is, you are far more beautiful than I ever dreamed, and I am proud to call you my daughter. Your heart is as beautiful as your father's, and I'm just sorry it took me so long to realize it."
"Mom?" I choke, "Do you really mean that?"
"Yes, Hanna. I mean it. I want you to be happy, and sometimes happiness isn't perfect."
I pull her into a hug, tears welling up in my eyes, "Don't cry. You'll ruin your makeup." She smiles.
"Mom, I can't… I mean, I need to…"
I stand up frantically, searching for my phone. Dialing Karly.
"Karly, I need you to get Eric. I just... I need to talk to him."
I have to tell him the truth.
"Hanna," she says, but I interrupt, not wanting to hear that he can't see me before the wedding. "Don't ask. Just send him to my room."
"Hanna!" She yells, silencing my rambling, "Eric left."
"What?" I drop the phone, my hand trembling to open the door.
The ache in my chest is overwhelming as I bust through the door running down the hall to the empty room. A single envelope laid on top of his tux. His handwriting underneath the letter addressed to him?
He scribbled the words small enough to fit:
I think this letter was meant for you. I always knew that he would have a piece of your heart, but I don't think I can live with him holding the larger piece. Actually, I think he has held your entire heart for a long time, and I think it's past time you go get it back. Quit lying to yourself. You and Ellie deserve the forever you both want. I finally realize our love isn't the forever kind. I just hope that one day I find it too, the kind nothing can come between.
Take care,
I wipe the tears from my eyes, my perfect makeup falling down my cheeks and onto the paper as I unfold the letter. Unsure of what I'm about to read.
If you get this letter, it means that the day is here and the only girl I've ever loved is going to marry you.
She chose you.
I wanted to hate you, but I couldn't. For some reason, you are impossible to hate. You treat my little girl like a princess and respect me as her father, and that's hard to come by. So thank you.