Page 58 of Kissing the Shore
After the beach and a steamy make-out session, we returned to Eric’s house, but the party had long cleared out. There wasn’t even a solo cup left behind. In fact, it looked like the party never happened at all. After the perfect night, I’d almost think it was a dream.
The sunrise peeking through the sliver in the middle of the curtains assures me that it’s morning, and Eric’s naked chest is begging me to touch it.
His soft chuckle draws my attention, “What are you staring at?”
“Your eyes are closed. How could you possibly know I was staring?”
He softly opens his sleepy eyes, “I could feel it.”
I grab his cheek, rub my thumb against the stubble, and then up to his hair. The strands feel like silk between my fingers, dark and perfect. He leans over to me, taking my lips in a paralyzing kiss.
“Damn,” He moans, “unless you wanna be naked all day, do not kiss me like that.”
“What’s wrong with being naked all day?” I tease.
“Well, I have plans for us,” He snaps, pushing me away from him. I watch as he pulls the curtains back, his black boxer briefs on display.
The light blinds me, “Ugh. What are you doing?”
“Waking you up,” he grins. “Let’s go for a swim, then we can take a drive. I wanna take you somewhere.”
“Is it a date?” I ask, cuddling deeper into all the blankets.
“It’s always a date.”
We drink some coffee, and I slip into a bathing suit. The morning air is crisp, and the heated pool is causing a bit of a fog on the water. He leads me by the hand down the steps and into his arms as we let the water swallow our bodies.
“I’m glad you came to the party last night,” He beams, his perfect teeth on display.
“Me too,” I agree. “I know I should be thinking about tomorrow and how Hanna will react, but for the life of me, I can’t see past right now. At least not today. The number one emotion I’ve felt the last couple of months is anxiety, but I don’t feel that today. I feel… I don’t know… calm.”
I remember everything he said to me last night and how I felt.
The beach.
The moonlight.
I don’t know where this is going, but for once, I don’t feel so afraid.
Eric lifts me into his arms, and I wrap my arms around his neck. He leans into me, and I kiss his lips gently. A loud noise causes us both to jump, the gate at the other side of the pool swinging against the fence. Hanna stands petrified in its opening, and my heart sinks.
“Hanna?” Eric acknowledges, but she is in shock. I do my best to get as far away from him as humanely possible.
She takes a step or two back, “I left your key under the mat.”
Her feet moved so quickly after that statement that I’d swear smoke was on the grass. I leave Eric standing in the pool, chasing after her.
“Hanna, wait!” I beg, the water dripping from my hair to my toes, “it’s not what you think.”
She opens her car door, turning back to me viciously, “So Eric is Mr. Casual?”
By this point, she’s basically screaming at me, “How long!”
“No,” I cry, “It’s not like that. I didn’t mean for this to happen, and it’s just… well, it’s complicated.”
Her eyes trail down my body, “Karly, that bikini doesn’t leave much to the imagination!”