Page 77 of Kissing the Shore
“It doesn’t matter,” I shrug. “I’m kind of tired.”
She puts the containers down, placing her hand on my cheek, “Oh honey, I know, but let me be the first to tell you… Nothing in this life comes easy.”
“I’m starting to think nothing comes for me at all,” I mutter.
Mom pushes some containers in my direction, “With a shitty attitude like that. It won’t.”
I stare at her in disbelief. I’ve only heard her say a swear word, maybe one other time in my life. I almost feel like I should cower down and lick my wounds.
“I’m trying to fix everything, but right now, the only thing I can do to make her happy is to leave her alone.”
Mom rubs my arm in an endearing type of way, “Just promise me that you won’t always put yourself last.”
I smirk, “You know I can’t do that, ma. It’s not who I am.”
She grabs the Tupperware from my hands, holding it hostage, “Promise me.”
I roll my eyes, yanking the leftovers back, “I’ll try. Okay?”
Ultimately, she gives in, and I take my food and jet. When I get in my truck, I check my phone.
Hanna: Happy Thanksgiving. She is feeling better, milking it for sure.
Me: We need to talk.
Hanna: I know.
The dots appear and disappear as if she’s typing back, so I don’t respond, waiting to see what she has to say.
Hanna: Tomorrow?
Me: You not shopping?
Hanna: Not this year. I’ve been home with Ellie, and I’ve done all my shopping online.
Me: Okay. Where?
Hanna: Do you mind coming here? I don’t really feel comfortable leaving Ellie?
Me: Where is here?
She sends me her new address, and I instantly want to change my mind. I know that, eventually, we will have to get past this, and the sooner we all accept the way things are now, the better.
Walking into my house alone, knowing that Karly isn’t going to sneak in the back door later fucking sucks. Sleeping alone fucking sucks. Not texting each other stupid memes and movie quotes fucking sucks.
Sure, I miss her romantically, but I also miss her friendship. I walk around the house, straightening things that are already straight. Busy hands keep my mind from thinking about her. With everything that has been going on lately, I’m completely off-kilter.
This entire fucking thing was my fault. Had I not kissed her, none of this would have ever happened. It felt so damn good. It felt good to feel wanted. Actually wanted.
She did what she needed to do to keep her friend, and on the surface, that made sense to me. Deeper, though, underneath the sensible things, what we have is special.
Special enoughnotto bury.
Nashville is cold.