Page 21 of The Queen's Heart
The rest of the afternoon was spent trying to recite what I could remember from the lesson. I didn’t do very well, and the Princess was not shy in letting me know how disappointed she was with my poor performance. I didn’t tell her about Mr. Jenson. I wasn’t sure why, but I was worried about her reaction. And as much as the subject bored me, I enjoyed watching and listening to my Princess talk animatedly on a topic she was clearly passionate about. Bringing up what happened during and after class, I knew, would have ended my personal tutoring session.
8. The Land of Nobles
Persephone Flores
My Introductory Healing class was in a different school building on the large campus of Sanguis Academy. At first, I was confused when the car took a new route until the Princess explained that my class would take place in the Science building.
The Science building was sterile compared to the main school building. It had a similar stone exterior, but inside was all glass, tiled flooring, and bright fluorescent lights. Large paintings hung on the walls depicting various anatomical structures, stars, space, and machinery. It wasn’t an unpleasant building, but it wasn’t warm or welcoming either.
I felt out of place, and it took me a few minutes of walking with the Princess, who seemed to know where she was going, to notice that I was the only servant student. Every student I saw wore red blazers and ties.
“Where are all the servants?” I asked.
“The Science department does not cater to any classes attended by servants,” the Princess answered.
“Why am I here then?” I asked, hoping that I was simply confused. I did not want to be the only servant student in a class full of nobles and purebloods.
“For your Introductionory Healing class. I asked that an exception be made for my personal servant and pet. It was,” she explained, and my stomach felt like a brick had been dropped in it.
“But you have a communications class! I’ll be alone,” I blurted, feeling myself begin to panic.
She stopped walking and turned to look at me, her hand lifting my chin and forcing me to meet her eyes. Her thumb brushed along my jaw soothingly.
“You have nothing to fear,” she told me calmly. “I am escorting you to your class and introducing you to your lecturer. When the class is ended, there will be a car with one of my personal guards waiting to deliver you back to me. No one will harm you,” she reassured.
“No one will speak to me either.” That was the source of my anxiety. Not only would I be the only servant, but purebloods and nobles didn’t speak to me. The only time they acknowledged me was to comment about my blood or body or ask why I existed in their vicinity. I would be an outcast. Plus, we had established that I wasn’t the best of students the previous night. I’d be the stupid outcast.
She growled playfully, and her arms circled my waist, pulling me close, her head dipping to my ear.
“You’re afraid you won’t make friends?” she asked teasingly.
“Yeah?” I asked, unsure of myself; when she was so close, thinking was always a little challenging.
“I’m afraid of the opposite,” she whispered. “That by simply being yourself, you’ll enamour another noble who will try to steal you from me.” I couldn’t help my laughter; that was ridiculous. She pulled back and looked at me, her eyes flashing dangerously. “Why do you laugh at me?” she asked, her head tilting in that way she only did when her instincts were in control.
I hadn’t meant to upset her.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am. I wasn’t laughing at you,” I told her quickly. “I thought it funny that anyone would ever want me enough to challenge you,” I explained. Her nostrils flared as she scented me.
“You do not know how appetising your scent is. Coupled with your body and submissive nature, you are very appealing, pet,” she told me seriously. I could feel my blush heat my cheeks, and I ducked my head. “I would steal you away if another had gotten to you first.”
“I’m glad you found me first then. No one could steal me from you. I wouldn’t go easily, you know,” I told her. She smiled, flashing her fangs; it was somehow sexy and endearing all at once.
“You wouldn’t?” she asked, leaning back down to my neck.
“No. I’d kick, scream, and bite,” I answered playfully, doing my best to lighten the mood.
She hummed against my neck and bit me a little harshly, causing my breath to hitch. “I’ll be the only one biting, pet.” I was aware that we were in a corridor, and while it wasn’t busy, students did pass.
“We aren’t alone,” I whispered as she began to suck at the spot she had bitten.
“I know,” she replied against my neck and continued to mark me in the corridor for anyone to see. I was grateful that she only spent a few minutes on her task and was purposeful, not leaving me weak in the knees and longing for her in that painful way she enjoyed torturing me.
When she straightened and captured my eyes again, her molten-silver eyes were dimming to their neutral state. Whatever instinct had consumed her briefly was under control.
She began to lead me again along the corridor. I thought about what she had said. Did she genuinely worry about others wanting me for more than my blood?
Maybe it was my hopeful thinking, but I liked the thought that her instinct to protect and possess me was fuelled by more than bloodlust and concerns for her safety due to the soul match. I liked the idea that there was more to me that she wanted.