Page 25 of The Queen's Heart
“I guess that’s no to the shopping trip then,” she said as I walked away.
“Not this time. Maybe try wooing me,” I called back jokingly.
“I’m glad you found me. Honestly, I couldn’t remember my way back to the entrance and well….” I trailed off, thankful that he had gotten me away from Heidi.
“That witch was hounding you?” he asked seriously.
“Yeah, a little bit. I don’t think she meant to bother me, or maybe she just didn’t care. But I wanted away from her,” I told him, not having expected him to speak with me.
“I could accompany you to and from your class in future if you would like?” he offered, and I was entirely surprised.
“Why would you do that?” I asked.
“It’s part of my duties to guard you,” he told me as he held open the car door for me and got in the other side. I was speechless for a few moments. It created a warm feeling in my chest that the Princess would have her guard look out for me. I was beginning to recognise her guards, at least their faces though this was the first time I had truly spoken to one of them.
“I didn’t know,” I replied as we drove toward the main school building.
“Would you like me to accompany you?” he asked again.
“Oh, no, I’ll be fine,” I told him. “What’s your name? Or what am I meant to call you?” I asked, feeling rude for not being able to address him properly.
“My name is Rylan, my lady. You can call me and any of the others simply, ‘Guard’,” he said.
“Okay. Thank you for finding me today, Rylan,” I replied, purposefully using his name. He smiled and we drove the rest of the way in silence.
Rylan guided me through the main building and stood with me as we waited outside the Princess’s Communications class.
When the bell rang signalling the end of her class and others began to file out, I found I was excited to see her.
She caught my eye immediately, walking directly toward me, taking hold of my blazer and dipping her head to scent me.
“How was your class?” she asked me when she pulled back, her eyes locking with mine.
“It was good, Ma’am,” I replied. I wanted to lean into her, but the crowded corridor and guard next to me kept me still.
“My Royal Highness, it seems Lady Heidi of Coactus has taken an interest in Percy,” Rylan said, and I turned to him sharply, feeling somehow betrayed. It was my place to tell my Princess about my class.
“Go on,” she instructed him.
“Percy was taking longer to arrive at the car than expected. I went to look for her. She could not remember the way out of the building and was conversing with Lady Coactus. From what I overheard, Lady Coactus invited Percy on a shopping excursion. Percy declined,” he answered. It seemed I would never get the chance to speak with the Princess first about anything that concerned me. Someone was always spying, watching, and ready to report back to her before I had a chance to tell her about my day.
“Pet, darling, is this true?” she asked, raising her hand to run through my hair.
“Yes, she said she wanted to be my friend because there’s a lack of witches at Sanguis Academy,” I explained, pressing my head into her hand.
“We will talk more on this later,” she told me, dropping her hand from my head.
“My Selene, are you going to keep me waiting?” Lord Halvorsen asked as he walked toward us.
“I will make my leave,” Rylan bowed and left at the Princess’s nod.
I wanted to go with him.
“Oskar, I am not yours,” the Princess greeted him, and he embraced her, kissing her cheeks. I noticed how others in the corridor looked intently at their display.
“Not yet, my love,” he crooned. I was shocked stupid at his words; my eyes were surely bulging. His love, she wasn’t his love. The Princessgiggled, in response, hitting his shoulder playfully.
I was going to be sick, or pass out, or both. I took a wobbly step backward as if distancing myself from the display would help.