Page 52 of The Queen's Heart
I was happy to see Ana across the great hall. She stood alone and caught sight of me as I moved towards her.
“Percy, why do I feel like we haven’t had a chance to spend much time together?” she asked as she hugged me.
“Because we haven’t,” I told her. “But that changes now; we’re learning to fancy dance together,” I said, feeling exuberant. There was a kind of excitement in the room.
“Ballroom dancing.” Ana laughed, correcting me. I blushed slightly but enjoyed that my lack of knowledge was amusing to my friend.
“Do you know ballroom dancing?” I asked her.
She nodded, “A little.”
“Is it difficult?” I questioned.
“It can be, but the basic steps are easy. It gets progressively more challenging the more technique learned and used,” she told me. “Don’t worry, Percy, we’re not expected to be experts in the space of a couple of weeks.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please,” The man who had spoken was wearing a black suit, the coat very long in the back, a white shirt and a pocket handkerchief. He held the hand of a woman who wore short heels and a long black dress. “I am Sebastian, and my lovely partner is Penelope. Together, we will teach you the basics of the waltz and the foxtrot.”
“Sebastian and Penelope are very skilled dancers,” Edward said, startling me. I hadn’t noticed his approach. “Sorry, I did not mean to give you a fright,” he apologised, grinning.
“You’ve been taught by them before?” I asked him.
“Last year. I’m not the best of dancers. Still, I managed the basics, thanks to Penelope,” he said.
“Let’s get started, students,” Sebastian said, clapping his hands. “Everyone find a partner; sexes are irrelevant here. We are learning to dance, people, not finding a mate - chop, chop,” he called loudly into the room.
I turned to Edward. He blushed deeply, “I was hoping to dance with Jasper,” he told me.
“And you, Ana, Harris?” I asked. She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“I see my tall, handsome shifter across the room,” she said, pointing in the direction of Harris, who was accompanied by Dylan.
“I’m going to find Jasper. Enjoy yourself, Percy,” Edward said as he left my side.
Harris greeted Ana by picking her up and spinning her around. Her joyous laughter lifted my mood; I was a little anxious, even if excited.
“Be my partner, Percy?” Dylan asked. I hesitated, I knew Dylan had feelings for me, and I wasn’t sure dancing was a good idea for him or me when Selene found his scent on me or when I was tattled on by one of her spies... “It doesn’t mean anything more than dancing, Percy; I know where I stand. I’m not trying to push anything on you. I swear. It’s only dancing,” he told me.
“And you’ll keep your scent strictly platonic?” I asked in the politest way I could.
“I’ll keep my stink to myself, promise,” he said, placing both hands over his heart.
“Okay,” I agreed. There wasn’t anyone else offering to dance with me, and the thought of dancing with someone I didn’t know made me nauseous.
“You won’t regret your decision; I’m a pretty good dancer,” he told me confidently.
“That’s good, because I have no idea what I’m doing - or even what to expect here,” I replied. He laughed, taking my right hand in his and holding my shoulder blade with his other.
“Put your hand above my bicep,” he instructed, tensing the muscle and winking. “Stand up straight. It’s all about posture, Percy baby,” he joked.
“And now what?” I asked, looking up at him. We were stood very close together.
“A good lead can guide you without saying a word,” he said. “It’s all in my movements; I can tell you where I’m going to go, and you move in the opposite. Here step back with your left foot and step to the side right. Now, your right foot forward and step to the left.” He smiled exuberantly at me. “That’s the box step. Got it down!” he cheered.
“Yeah?” I asked happily. It wasn’t that hard.
“You’re a natural,” he said, releasing my shoulder blade to spin me around. His enthusiasm was contagious, and I was giggling when I stopped.
“Young man, I believe thatIam the dance instructor,” Sebastian said, smiling in our direction. “But well done, your posture and positioning are perfect. Young lady, you could use some work.”