Page 69 of The Queen's Heart
“Percy isn’t anywhere on this map,” she said.
“Of course, they will still be moving her. Could you find her on a map if she was moving?” I asked.
“Yes, I’d be able to track down her general location, but not specifics.” I nodded and returned to my collection of maps.
I unravelled a large map of the whole kingdom. It wasn’t particularly detailed, but it showed each region enough to track down Valen's route to Ardens.
Ana began again, the large circular motion seeming to focus in now.
“Here - Percy is somewhere around here,” Ana pointed to the map, but it was not a route that led to Ardens.
“Where are they taking her?” I asked, and Heidi hovered over the map beside me.
“Soul match? Really?” she asked.
“Yes. You will make a blood oath of secrecy before you leave here tonight. You both will,” I said, meeting Ana’s eyes. She looked like she might argue for a moment before nodding.
“It looks like she’s going to Vouna, maybe. What do you think?” Heidi asked.
“Rylan, locate Clara of Vouna for me,” I instructed. He stood and left with a bow.
“You think Clara will know if Percy is being taken to her House?” Heidi asked beside me.
“No. I think if Clara is at the Academy, then we can rule out Vouna and assume that Valen is hiding her in one of the mountain villages of the smaller Houses,” I told her.
“And if your guard can’t find Clara?” she asked.
“Then House Vouna are in league with House Ardens,” I replied.
Clara had fallen out of my good graces. She had overstepped on numerous occasions. Her behaviour had become disrespectful. But would she go as far as helping Valen out of spite?
“Keep looking, Ana,” I instructed and she began to swing the pendulum again.
I watched as Ana’s tracking showed Percy’s movements gradually nearing closer and closer to House Vouna. My suspicions were confirmed when Rylan returned, unable to find Clara.
I cleared the coffee table of the maps and placed down a detailed map of House Vouna.
Ana tracked Percy through the night until the morning sun illuminated the room. Heidi had curled up on the couch hours previously and was snoring.
“She’s been in the same place for the last hour,” Ana said. I could hear that she was exhausted.
Percy was currently being kept in the Vouna keep. House Vouna kept prisoners and blood slaves in the basement of their keep.
“Rylan,” I called my guard. He walked to my side and I placed my finger on the map. “Percy is being kept in House Vouna territory, in their castle. Most probably in the basement. Are you familiar with House Vouna?” I asked him.
“Yes, my Lady,” he answered.
“Would my Guard be able to extract her?” I asked him. He straightened and was silent in thought.
“It could be possible. It would not be without significant risk. We would lose men. I could not guarantee Percy would be uninjured during the mission,” he told me.
“Percy’s safety is of the utmost importance. I won’t risk her.”
“Is House Vouna likely to abuse her? It may be safer to negotiate her release than to take her back by force,” he suggested.
“I don’t know. My relationship with Clara and therefore House Vouna has become strained. Clara has been unpredictable,” I answered.
I had never felt helpless before.