Page 87 of The Queen's Heart
“No problem. We’ll tie your hair back as well,” she said, as she left and returned with the makeup directing me to sit at the table.
In a short time, Remy and I looked like entirely different people from when we first entered his sister’s home.
“Percy, we need to talk,” Remy said as he dried his clean-shaven face. I was apprehensive. I knew everything had changed for him, but I selfishly hoped he would not abandon me. “I can’t take you as far as the Kings City anymore, but I will get you on your way,” he said.
“I understand. I’m sorry, Remy,” I told him. The words felt useless. He nodded.
“Peter’s told me all he can, and the village is full of Vouna guardsmen. I’m going to get you to river Vouna. It travels south, and the next major House it passes is House Aqua. You’ll be on your own once we reach the river,” he explained.
“What are you going to do?” I asked him. I was worried for him. I knew we weren’t friends as such, but after having escaped a dungeon together and all the help he had given me, I cared for him.
“I need to bury my wife,” he answered. “Can’t leave until I do, and it’s not safe for either of us to stay here longer than we need to.”
24. Murder is Always an Option
Selene Borealis
“Where is she being moved to?” I asked, as I leaned over the map Ana was working on.
“She’s still in Vouna, moving slowly,” General Creel answered beside me.
Ana had arrived in the night and had been tracking Percy every half hour. My little pet was being moved, had been moving since early morning. At first, her movement was fast, but it had slowed to a crawl.
“She’s walking,” I said.
“Why would they move her on foot?” Heidi asked from her seat in the corner where she held her head, apparently still recovering from her drinking and lack of sleep.
“They wouldn’t,” General Creel answered and tugged at his red beard. He began to chuckle lowly and stood up straight from the map. “No, it can’t be, that wee whisp.” His chuckle turned into a gruff laugh.
I lacked all patience, even for my favourite general, “Make your point General; speak clearly.”
He held his side with one hand and rubbed at his eyes. “I do believe that a Flores half-witch has managed to escape.” He had contained his laughter long enough only to answer before producing fits of giggles. On any other occasion I would find such laughter from General Creel a difficulty not to join, but there was nothing humorous about my pet’s abduction. “She’s so small, and weak as a sapling!” he sputtered loudly. “Can you imagine?” He laughed louder.
Heidi sat forward in her seat more interested than she had been since her arrival.
“Percy, Percy, what a clever witch,” she said in praise.
“If she has escaped House Vouna, they will be in pursuit of her. We must find her before they do,” I spoke, addressing General Creel.
He composed himself, his cheeks a ruby red and his smile wide. “I agree. We will send a small, inconspicuous team, including the blood witch, to continue tracking.”
“I will go also,” I told him. His smile faded and he stood taller.
“That will not be possible Selene. You have a face known by all in the Kingdom. If you enter House Vouna land, you will be recognised swiftly. Given the current political climate, we'd be forced to protect you instead of our resources going towards finding your girl. You are best placed here, where it’s safe, overseeing the mission,” he told me.
My first urge was to overrule him, but I knew, of course, that he was correct. I would be a detriment. Percy’s safe return was my priority. I gritted my teeth and held back my instinct that demanded I find and go to her personally.
General Creel did not await my response before he left the room and I could hear him shouting orders as he walked. Like a switch had been flipped, he became the expert General that he was.
I sat for the first time since arriving home the previous day. My body was tense. I had been unable to relax. Had Percy truly escaped? They had her held in House Vouna. There was no escape from the Vouna dungeons. An attempt to move her may have allowed for an opportunity that my little pet took. She was not to be underestimated. Valen and House Vouna would most certainly be unaware of who they were dealing with.
“I’ll go with them. My face isn’t known the entire Kingdom over,” Heidi spoke softly as she moved to take the seat beside me at the table.
“Thank you,” I told her.
“Percy is my study buddy. I’ll never pass Phears’ class without her.”
“You are enamoured with my pet, don’t deny it. I see how you look at her,” I told her, my voice lighter than it had been since the ball.