Page 92 of The Queen's Heart
“Heidi?” I asked her confused.
“Percy, where are you?” she asked again.
“Eh, my garden,” I told her, my confusion growing.
Heidi huffed frustratedly. “Percy, wake up,” she told me.
“What do you mean? Heidi, you’re being strange,” I replied.
I jolted awake, almost toppling the boat over.
“Percy?”Heidi said in my head.
“You were in my dream,”I replied.
“Good, you’re awake. Percy, where are you?”She asked urgently.
“How are you able to communicate with me? Where are you?”I asked, looking out in the moonlit darkness, trying to see along the edges of the riverbank.
“I’m close enough to communicate with you. Now, tell me where you are exactly. You’re moving.”
“I’m on River Vouna. I have been for a while. I don’t know where I am,”I told her.
“That’s perfect, Percy. You’re in House Aqua and we’ll be with you very soon. Keep your eyes open for a ruggedly handsome gentleman, the captain of this little rescue mission, Mark. We will travel further downriver, and he’ll signal you in with a torch. Won’t miss him.”she said.
“Rescue mission?”
“Honestly, Percy, yes, a rescue mission. We’ve been searching for you since it became clear you had escaped.”
“How did you know I had escaped.”
“We’ve been tracking you. Easy enough to do when you’ve got one half of a soul-matched coupling.”She knew of the soul match. Would Selene have told her?“I can feel your distrust of me. It’s upsetting. Selene told us and provided her blood to track you.”
“Oh yes, your friend Ana, the blood witch, she’s here. We needed a blood witch to do the blood tracking.”
I saw a light flashing at the riverbank's edge and began to steer the boat in.
My shoulder and arm were in agony, a bone-deep pain, and it felt near impossible to lift my arm.
A hand reached out of the darkness and pulled my boat in. I stood on shaky legs and climbed out, silencing a startled scream when strong hands helped me.
“I’m Markus,” the man said. “Here to get you safely back to Princess Selene Borealis,” he told me.
“Thanks, Markus,” I said as he steadied me when I was back on land.
“The rest of the team is close. Are you injured?” he asked, guiding me in the dark along what I assumed was a country road. My legs felt heavy and I scuffed my boots as I walked.
“I’ve been shot,” I told him.
“Where?” he asked urgently.
“Shoulder,” I told him. “And I have a sprained ankle,” I added as an afterthought. Though my ankle was feeling much better, it was still tender.
“We’ll get you patched up and home soon enough,” he reassured.