Page 106 of Hollywood Humbug
Fuck. He wasn’t wrong. I am an asshole, even after I promised her I wasn’t.
“Why are you still at the airport?” I immediately regretted answering the FaceTime from Naya as I shrugged.
“I have no idea where he is, and he hasn’t been picking up. My phone’s been calling until it finally goes to voicemail. But his mailbox is full, so I can’t leave any messages, and when I text, I still don’t hear from him. So now, I figure every time I call, he knows it’s me from the text messages, and he’s still avoiding me.”
Naya rolled her eyes. “Girl, those sound like a bunch of excuses. You should’ve called me way sooner. I can check his location from here.”
“I don’t even know I want you to. If he’s this hell-bent on avoiding me, why the hell do I want to go prancing across LA looking for him? If I’m going to love somebody, I want to love somebody who wants to be with me. Somebody who would cross heaven and earth for me because he doesn’t care about anything except me.”
Naya rolled her eyes. “Why does it always have to be the guy who does that? You’re saying you don’t want to have to chase him, but then you turn around and say you want him to chase you. That’s fucked up logic. You know that, right?” I stuck my tongue out at her. “You’re not the heroine in a romance book. This is real life. And if you want him, you need to ensure he knows that. Guys are dumb. Trust me, I’m surrounded by enough of them. They need—and want—you to spell it out for them. That’s the only way it gets through their thick skulls.”
I let out a long sigh before shrugging. “Fine, I’ll do the chasing thing. Ping his location for me.”
Naya grinned. “It’s already running. Give me two … more … seconds …” she said slowly, concentrating on her screen. “And voila! Wait, that can’t be right.”
“What?” I asked as she leaned closer to the screen, ignoring me as she dabbled on her computer, frowning even more.
“It says he’s at the airport.”
“Are you sure you didn’t ping my phone?”
She rolled her eyes at me. “Yes, that’s what I just double-checked. Your phone is pinging at the airport, and his phone is too. I’ve got both screens up.”
“You hacked my phone?” I asked in disgust.
She shook her head. “Of course not. We have to have some level of trust between us. I do have you on Find My Friends, though.”
“Oh, right.” I grinned. “I forgot you installed that on my phone.”
Naya nodded. “Safety first.” She looked back at the screen. “Yeah, it says he’s at the airport. Let me check his messages and see what he’s booked.” She went quiet again and did her thing. Then, after a few minutes, she looked at me in surprise. “Any reason why Abel Clarke would be flying out to Chicago tonight?”
“None that I know of. From what I know, he’s British. If he’s going home for the holidays, he’s heading back there.”
Naya shook her head. “Nope. According to this, he bought a ticket to Chicago. In fact, I’m pretty sure this is the same flight you’re on—742?”
I sat straight and looked around, an uneasy knot forming in my stomach as my eyes scoured the departure lounge. “He wouldn’t be here with the common folk. He flies first class.”
“Maybe, but a last-minute ticket for first class is not always feasible.”
I didn’t so much spot him as heard everyone’s alarm when a movie star walked casually through the lounge without security. His head was on a swivel as he looked back and forth across the rows of seats.
Then, our eyes met.
He crossed to me, past the waves of people standing around with their cameras pointed right at us. If he was about to make another scene, they’d be cashing in the checks.
He stopped in front of me and opened his mouth, fire in his eyes. I lifted an eyebrow, raising my hand and putting it right over his mouth like always. He twisted his head away with a sharp yank and glared at me more.
Seriously?Hewas mad atme?
I laughed, unable to stop myself. That didn’t help his mood.
“Really? This is fucking funny to you, Scout?”
“Sure.” I shrugged. “You’re the one ghosting me, but apparently, you’re pissed about it.”